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orcishgamer: That kind of makes the console version the superior version right now, at least to me (I know preferences will differ), couch co-op makes it even better.
Neobr10: Yeah, the console version is definitely the superior version with offline singleplayer and local coop (which should be REALLY fun).
Will it make you two gush and squee if I tell you it's pretty obvious the console version is better in this case? ;)
timppu: Yeah, just one more clarification. Did you ever utilize the auction house?
Just sold an Echoing Fury for 100 million. One happy camper here, at least until AH is still around.

FraterPerdurabo: It is ok. I feel somewhat disappointed because it could have been so much more. It is not a bad substitute to Diablo 2, but there is so much unrealised potential. Genuinely, it seems that the developer team never played Diablo 2, for example. Anyway, it sounds like the expansion will fix some of the glaring flaws.
orcishgamer: Given just how much better Throne of Baal made base D2, there's a lot of reason to hope for that. My only disappointment will likely be that the console DLC/expac will be much later than PC.
Lord of Destruction* :P

But yeah, thus far the leaked information suggests that it will be good! If you're interested in what has leaked, check out
Profanity: Wait, so why should it be always-online NOW?
Cause that's their drm.
FraterPerdurabo: The (amusing / shocking) thing is that a lot of the people who appear to be complaining about the game have not even played it.
I find it amusing that you keep making this point, as that is the whole point. Lots of longtime Blizzard fans no longer buy their games because of the ridiculous DRM requirements they've introduced into SP games under the guise of "social gaming". Then they went ahead and embraced the worst parts of Diablo 2 and WoW by actually pandering (and exploiting) the pay-to-win crowd. I think that deep down you know what a terrible system it is, considering how you called the one other guy in this thread who said he'd used the auction house a "sucker". What does that make you?

I've played almost every Blizzard game that's been released, going back to the Super Nintendo. But I haven't touched SC2 or Diablo 3, and unless hell freezes over and they actually take away all that crappy DRM, I never will. That's why people who've never even played Diablo 3 reserve the right to complain about it.
FraterPerdurabo: The (amusing / shocking) thing is that a lot of the people who appear to be complaining about the game have not even played it.
Helz: I find it amusing that you keep making this point, as that is the whole point. Lots of longtime Blizzard fans no longer buy their games because of the ridiculous DRM requirements they've introduced into SP games under the guise of "social gaming". Then they went ahead and embraced the worst parts of Diablo 2 and WoW by actually pandering (and exploiting) the pay-to-win crowd. I think that deep down you know what a terrible system it is, considering how you called the one other guy in this thread who said he'd used the auction house a "sucker". What does that make you?

I've played almost every Blizzard game that's been released, going back to the Super Nintendo. But I haven't touched SC2 or Diablo 3, and unless hell freezes over and they actually take away all that crappy DRM, I never will. That's why people who've never even played Diablo 3 reserve the right to complain about it.
Are you actually genuinely clueless or are you simply trying to troll me?
Helz: But I haven't touched SC2 or Diablo 3, and unless hell freezes over and they actually take away all that crappy DRM, I never will.
Smart move. My curiosity in how the story in SC continues got the better of me, and I bought SC2 despite my dislike of the DRM. Well, it wasn't worth it. There is so much wrong with the story, it's not even funny. The worst part to me, however, are all the retcons. Especially the change to the origin of the Zerg. Heck, I haven't even finished HotS yet, because my PSU died on me after I returned from Zerus. I guess, it didn't want to continue the suffering either.

To make it short (and extremely simplified), SC2 is a remake of WC3, with the Zerg in the role of the Orcs, and Kerrigan as a mix between Arthas and Thrall.
I was a big fan of the Diablo series until this iteration. The online-singleplayer and real-money AH were huge turn offs for me. If they ever (somehow) eliminate the online SP requirement I will probably buy the game.

The unexpected upside of skipping D3 was my discovery of the Torchlight series, which I have really enjoyed.