Avogadro6: Unless, like me, you happen to not like the narrator's voice... then you'd probably find it just a short and repetitive hack&slash with a weird back story.
SimonG: Actually, even without the narrator it has a fascinating story about responsibility, dealing with loss and moving forward. Honestly, this game had many great ideas. I was very surprised.
You chose the "selfish" ending, I guess? Can't say I could get involved with the story, really. It may have had something to do with the fact it's narrated from a single point of view, wich is not even of the character you control (who, incidentally, never speaks or seems to display a personality. Kid ain't good with words.). I suppose it could have worked if the game hadn't been so linear, but no, you don't get to have any freedom in how the story plays out - except for the ending.
By the end of the game I felt I didn't really know any of the companions (nor I could care about them) even if I tried talking to them after every mission, and the whole point of Kid was to be the errand boy who saved the day. I felt no connection with him, the story, the world or the other characters.
To be fair, the visual style was pretty cool and the OST is awesome. There are way too many tracks not used nearly enough during the game though. At least I don't remember hearing them.
Played it once, chose an ending, watched the other on Youtube, uninstalled, the end.