Fujek: 'Free your mind through flowers',
it has been six days now that our commander said the magic sentence. These words really changed a lot for us over here and with each passing day we manage to forget time and struggle a little more. The flower beds that are in progress seem to grow well and I hope that can convince our new German friends to get us new seeds soon.
We would like two new kinds of roses and another two primrose seeds for the spot north of our barracks. That should provide us with plenty new colours and shapes to work with.
In just another two more days we hope to get the last marsh violet. As we are approaching the season for new sowing, it is about time, or we would have to wait until the next chance.
With only like eight prisoners there is little chance for the project. But we find real harmony and peace in this whole endeavour. Could you please make sure that all of our beloved families get to see the letter, so they all know the Germans treat us well and that they have shown respect and we feel in good hands.
In just about four weeks I am going to have two pages and roughly eight stamps. Then you could get news, but please do not worry if my next letter arrives late.
Yours very sincerely,
Fujek, 4th squadron of the 7th army.
I keep this open in my text editor with my code, and read it once a day, waiting for something to happen in my head.
This isn't a request for a hint, just letting you know that [what appears to be] your puzzle is alive and kicking, in a sense.