Funny, yesterday I thought about creating a thread like this or bumping
my old one, as I'm still not very happy with the alternatives I've found, and here you are asking more or less for the same thing I'm looking for. :)
Sadly, I haven't found a satisfactory solution myself. The best I could find was the Metro screen on Win 8 and Steam on Win7 (as suggested by JadNajm), or maybe D-Fend, if you prefer that to Steam and you also have many DOS games (you can add non-DOS games, too), or I think it's also possible to start your games from GCStar, after you've (manually) created a new collection for them, but all of these require a lot of work and several workarounds, so they're tiresome to use if you have many games installed.* Another solution would be to just sort your game shortcuts in folders in the Windows Explorer, which is the easiest solution, but the least attractive one.
I wish there was a simple program that allows you to just drag and drop your shortcuts into it, and then to sort and group them, with a simple display, but more attractive than Windows Explorer, without the tree window and whatnot). Even simple lists grouped by genre or other custom headlines would be fine. Back in the days I had written a batch file in DOS, listing all the games and allowing me to start them by the pressing of single keys. I wonder if something like this would still be possible in modern Windows, but then again, if it was, it would also require a LOT of work, seeing that nowadays I have much more games installed, so a drag & drop solution with full compatibility to common desktop shortcuts and links would be preferable.
I always thought it weird that I couldn't find any program that does remotely what I'm looking for, as simple as it sounds (just a simple desktop shortcut "manager" or "shell", no-frills but also without restrictions, that is to say with full compatibility, something that can immediately run everything that can be run from the desktop or the Win Explorer, too). I've come to realize that maybe I am the weird one for wanting such a thing when everyone else is perfectly happy with the desktop, explorer or start menu. So I'm glad to find I'm not the only one who'd love a decent game launcher nevertheless. :)
Btw, I think some community member was actually working on a
game launcher for GOG games; who knows, that might be another alternative if it ever gets released.
* E.g. you can't attach Steam shortcuts to the metro screen without using workarounds, and you can't add links to Dosbox and ScummVM games to Steam without having to manually copy the starting parametres over to the games' properties tab on Sream, otherwise Steam will just open Dosbox or ScummVM and not the games. It's also tedious to add each non-Steam game individually, as it only automatically adds those it can find in the start menu or the registry, the other ones you have to add yourself, one by one.