haydenaurion: I see. I thought I had read somewhere about not using a new BIOS unless necessary but I wanted to double check.
Quite often new BIOS versions come when they add support for new components (CPUs etc.) in them. But there may be real fixes too, or adding some nice new features. So, you could first try if all components get detected by BIOS, and only if there are problems with that, check whether a BIOS update would help.
The companies warn about updating firmwares unnecessarily, because it is indeed theoretically possible you'll brick your piece of hardware in the process, and you can't fix it yourself anymore (unless you have a JTAG programmer device or something :)).
But that is theoretically, e.g. if your power goes out just as you are performing the update, that would corrupt the BIOS bank as it was not finished properly. But even then, I think there are always two banks, active and backup. The process usually goes so that the backup (inactive) bank is updated, and only if it is successful, it will be activated, ie. the current (old) active bank becomes the inactive backup bank, and the updated backup bank becomes the new active one. And if there is some problem with the updated active bank anyway, usually the backup bank is switched back to active automatically.
So there are several measures to try to make sure everything goes smoothly. But since it is still theoretically possible to break a piece of hardware with an embedded software update, the companies naturally don't want you to do it unless really necessary.
I've done e.g. BIOS updates on several PCs many times, never failing so far. Not to mention that when people update their smatphone OSes, that is also basically a firmware (embedded software) update, yet we don't see people having lots of bricked smartphones. Just follow the instructions.