Posted April 07, 2011
Robbeasy: And to everyone really - what merits are there in claiming a vanilla role when at L -2, rather than a Power Role? My other game has shown that people let up on you quickly if you claim a power role, yet, Orry seems have managed the same thing with a vanilla claim?
Is that normal?
Because it's true perhaps? Is that normal?
Claiming power role is good if you want people to unvote you but can back-fire soon. If you make up power role (as townie) you can always get counter-claimed. This is bad for 2 reasons.
1. It's almost certain lynch for you in line with LAL rule (Lynch all liars).
2. You make real power role come out. If you are townie protecting them should be of more importance than your survival.
That said I am not convinced by Orryyrro claim and would he claimed power role (in believable way) I would be much more likely to believe him.