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Resolutions Summary:

- My Divine Offering destroys JMich's Winter Orb (I gain +2 Life & place a +1/+1 counter on my Ajani's Pridemate)

- Mondo84's Chain Lightning deals 3 damage to me.


Forest x1
Plains x1
Forest (w/Utopia Sprawl, White)
Ajani's Pridemate (2 counters)
Hand: Birds of Paradise
Life: 22

Forest x1
Mountain x2
Dragonmaster Outcast
Kird Ape (gets +1/+2 as long as mondo84 controls a Forest)
Orcish Lumberjack
Life: 20

Forest x1
Mountain x1
Plains (w/Wild Growth)
Zuran Orb
Life: 20

Forest x2
Swamp x1
Wall of Roots (1 counter)
Omnath, Locus of Mana
Hand: Fog
Hand: Concordant Crossroads
Life: 20
(1 green mana in pool; carries over until spent while Omanth is in play)


The fourth round begins now! You have until Saturday night to post your next turn and respond to any actions.

Things are shaping up, and chaos is brewing... What will happen next as planeswalkers clash? ;)




Forest x1
Plains x2 (+)
Forest (w/Utopia Sprawl, White)


Ajani's Pridemate (2 counters)



Birds of Paradise
Loxodon Hierarch (+)
Avoid Fate (+)

LIFE: 22


- Taps Forest to summon Birds of Paradise

- Taps Forest (w/Utopia Sprawl, White) & 2 Plains to summon Loxodon Hierarch (+4 Life; places a +1/+1 counter on Ajani's Pridemate)
Post edited March 13, 2014 by SeduceMePlz


Mountain x3 (+)


Dragonmaster Outcast
Kird Ape
Orcish Lumberjack



Lightning Bolt (+)
Flametongue Kavu (+)

LIFE: 20


- Taps Mountain x3 and Forest to summon Flametongue Kavu - deals 4 damage to SeduceMePlz's Loxodon Hierarch


edit was to correct the turn number
Post edited March 14, 2014 by mondo84
mondo84: Taps Mountain x3 and Forest to summon Flametongue Kavu - deals 4 damage to SeduceMePlz's Loxodon Hierarch
Poor elephant bastard... Just trying to make Ravnica a better place, and some Kavu comes along and barbecues him for lunch. ;)
SeduceMePlz: Poor elephant bastard... Just trying to make Ravnica a better place, and some Kavu comes along and barbecues him for lunch. ;)
I'm sorry. :/
SeduceMePlz: Poor elephant bastard... Just trying to make Ravnica a better place, and some Kavu comes along and barbecues him for lunch. ;)
mondo84: I'm sorry. :/
Don't be: I have it on good authority that he was up to no good despite his flavor text. ;)
Might as well :]



Swamp X1

Forest X3 (+)


Wall of Roots (1 counter)

Omnath Locus of Mana




Concordant Crossroads

Dark Ritual (+)

Gatekeeper of Malakir (+)

LIFE: 20


- Puts -0/-1 counter on Wall of Roots

- Taps Forests for mana

- Invokes Dark Ritual

- Summons Gatekeeper of Malakir

- Kicks Gatekeeper of Malakir

- Target: SeduceMePlz

edit: forgot links, added
Post edited March 15, 2014 by cmdr_flashheart
cmdr_flashheart: - Summons Gatekeeper of Malakir

- Kicks Gatekeeper of Malakir

- Target: SeduceMePlz
Ouch... brutal, efficient card. Hadn't seen it before. And it's an uncommon (rather than a rare) and has been reprinted in one of the Duel Decks, so the price is nice. Might visit a local game shop and grab a few for my black deck. Thanks for bringing it to my attention... despite the pain it's causing me in this game. ;)


Sacrifices Ajani's Pridemate.


You have 1 green mana carried over from your last turn plus 1 green mana from placing a counter on Wall of Roots this turn plus 3 green mana from tapping your forests, and Omnath is currently a beastly 6/6.


Were there any other actions you wanted to take now that I've responded? Perhaps sending Omnath to smash me up a bit? hehe. Or is that it for this turn?
Post edited March 15, 2014 by SeduceMePlz
I did promise a turn 4 multikill, right? Let's show you how it's done.



Forest x1
Plains (with Wild Growth) x1
Mountain x1
Island x1 (+)



Zuran Orb


Squirrel Nest (+)
Goblin Bombardment (+)

LIFE: 18


- Tap forest and plains for GGW and cast Squirrel Nest on the Mountain.
Step 1
- Tap mountain to produce a squirrel token (using Squirrel Nest)
- Tap squirrel to untap the mountain (using Earthcraft)
Go to Step 1.

Once 10,000 squirrels are on the field, tap mountain and island for RU, and cast Goblin Bombardment.

At this point I am able to start pinging you with damage from the Goblin Bombardment, and able to kill each and every one of your creatures and/or you. I am not playing for the prizes though, so I do remove myself from the game.

Lol. I suspected that I should have taken out Earthcraft but I was curious what you were going to do with it. You know what they say about curiosity... ;)

@mondo84 & cmdr_flashheart:

Keep playing, or call it a game and random draw for the prize?
SeduceMePlz: Lol. I suspected that I should have taken out Earthcraft but I was curious what you were going to do with it. You know what they say about curiosity... ;)
Original plan with Earthcraft was to use it with Sacred Mesa, but that was because I thought Concordant Roads was already ingame. So I could untap them with revitalize and attack, but once it wasn't, I opted for Goblin Bombardment.

And yes, Earthcraft is a combo staple, best to take it out as soon as possible.
Haha, nice! MTG is full of surprises :]

Well, I am okay with whatever everyone else decides. I also had token related plans with Omnath, but I wouldn't have thought of doing something like what JMich did, very cool play!
cmdr_flashheart: Haha, nice! MTG is full of surprises :]

Well, I am okay with whatever everyone else decides. I also had token related plans with Omnath, but I wouldn't have thought of doing something like what JMich did, very cool play!
It was an interesting combo. Some playgroups ban infinite combos, and such combos are harder to arrange in a normal game of MTG because your draws are random rather than chosen, so don't think it's the norm for a game tho. If I run any future games in this format, I'll probably add a rule to the effect of "no infinite combos" or "infinite loops will be treated as looping 10 cycles".

If you and mondo84 want to continue, I'll write up a round summary a bit later tonight.
I knew JMich was planning something sinister. Well played!

I'm okay with calling it a game if others are! Not sure how long the game might go otherwise. :p

It's been pretty fun getting back into the mindset, and I'd be up for a similar game/thread in the future!
Yeah, I'd also be up for another MTG game, wouldn't mind starting fresh; feeling tired from losing, I guess, lol. FYI, I think the T-S schedule is great for future games as well, and we don't need prizes for those.
All righty, that's a wrap, then! The Shadow Warrior code goes to cmdr_flashheart & the Two Worlds code goes to mondo84. Thanks to everyone for playing! :)