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Birthday fun and gifts (for you!) 5th birthday celebration continues, and we came up with some fun activities essential to every nerd party in the universe. Namely, we want to play some trivia with you! There will be prizes, of course, because there have to be gifts in a birthday celebration. Since it is our party, you get to keep the gifts! We wouldn't have it any other way. But, just to make it more fun, you'll have to put some effort into getting them. For the next couple of days (let's say: until Sunday), we'll post a daily activity for you. A quiz, a puzzle, some trivia--you know: fun stuff. Each day you'll get a chance to prove your gaming knowledge and familiarity with for a chance to get some free games. Our activity of choice today: word search!

We got word from our support, that some users aren't sure where they should send the answers. Let's pretend that finding the e-mail address on the picture below is a little warm-up exercise before the actual word search. If you can't handle that task, there's probably not much point in wasting your time looking for the 40 titles. And one more thing: we didn't notice it ourselves, but there's actually 41 hidden titles in the picture (apart from the highlighted "FEZ"). That's because one of the longer ones contains another one, shorter. Still--we don't expect more than 40, and that gives you a bit of an advantage. Birthday Word Search

You've got time until Thursday, September 26, at 14:59PM GMT. That's 24 hours. Have fun! :-)


Here's an image provided by our user. Thanks Dan! Birthday Word Search Solution

The hidden titles are as follows:

1. Alan Wake
2. Alpha Centauri
3. Arcanum
4. Baldur's Gate
5. Bioforge
6. Blood
7. Caesar
8. Carmageddon
9. Descent
10. Dungeon Keeper
11. Fallout
12. Freespace
13. FTL
14. Gabriel Knight
15. Hotline Miami
16. Master of Magic
17. Master of Orion
18. Might and Magic
19. Myst
20. Nox
21. Outcast
22. Painkiller
23. Pharaoah
24. Pid
25. Populous
26. Postal
27. Psychonauts
28. Quest For Glory
29. Resonance
30. Sacrifice
31. Sim City
32. Star Control
33. Syndicate
34. The Witcher
35. Theme Hospital
36. Thief
37. To The Moon
38. Ultima
39. Wing Commander
40. Zeus
41. ArmA (hiding within Carmageddon)

The 40 quickest winners should have the prizes in their email inboxes now. The draw of the other 20 will be done later today.

Congratulations to all winners!
Post edited September 26, 2013 by G-Doc
Cursed 38. Where are you two hiding? Hmmmmm.
I pretty sure I'm taking any prizes home on this one. However, This was a fun time for me. I still have two left to find but I'm just taking my time with them now and enjoying it. I also found a STEAM game in the puzzle. Damn red herrings.
I'm actually a bit dissappointed that GOG didn't add games from the wishlist in the grid. Would be fun finding "Wasteland" in the grid for example, or "Gods" and having to double check if the game was released on GOG or not.
Not to mention that it should have included VVVVV in the grid ;)
40 + FEZ and now I'm done, yay! Sent in both the MS Paint'd crossword puzzle itself and the text document with all the game names, let's see what comes of this...
39 now.

damn so close
Bah. I have 35, plus two partials and an abbreviation. Think I'm done though.
JMich: I'm actually a bit dissappointed that GOG didn't add games from the wishlist in the grid. Would be fun finding "Wasteland" in the grid for example, or "Gods" and having to double check if the game was released on GOG or not.
Not to mention that it should have included VVVVV in the grid ;)
Well I did spot "DIG" as in "The Dig," as in "one of numerous classic LucasArts games that are still not on this site yet FUUUUUUCK!" though that was probably unintentional, probably. :P
JMich: Not to mention that it should have included VVVVV in the grid ;)
That was one of the first titles I looked for in the puzzle. ;)

But from looking at the puzzle, it seems that the release of VVVVV has already used up most Vs in GOG's letter storage. There are barely any in the riddle at all. ;)
Great, I have 38 and can't find the missing 2.
Fez doesn't count, does it?
Personally I think it´s a bad idea not having a minimum of letters. I´ve found some titles with 3-4 letters, but that can lead to unwanted situations: There´s a game which contains the name of another game (example: ARMA). I´m sure this one doesn´t count, yet it should.

35 done. It has been fun until now :)
Gabelvampir: Fez doesn't count, does it?
Correct, Fez does not count.
I love word search puzzles! I really wish I had a printer right now.

Too bad a time component was added (first 40). I usually don't get to check the site at work and am just starting now. I'm sure the first 40 have already won.
wvpr: Do any words overlap along the same line?
lugum: nope
Really? I found one that did, does that mean it doesn't count?
lugum: nope
GOGwiiisfun: Really? I found one that did, does that mean it doesn't count?
It's a Gog game that exists in the catalogue, so it should count, even if it happens to be inside of another word.
How many three-letter games are there in the puzzle?

So cruel to be stuck with just one game left lol.