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high rated

You know what was a good Bundle? Humble Indie Bundle 9. It had like Trine 2, Mark of the Ninja, Eets Munchies, and Brütal Legend. And some soundtracks. Yeah. That was a good bundle.

What's that? Trine 2 is gorgeous? Mark of the Ninja is the best platformer I've played in 3 years? Brütal Legend is hilarious? I haven't even gotten around to playing Eets Munchies yet?! I have an extra Bundle key just sitting here?

This calls for a giveaway!

HiB9 Giveaway Contains:
Trine 2
Mark of the Ninja
Eets Munchies
Brütal Legend
And the occasional soundtrack.

All games are Windows, Mac, and Linux compatible! Huzzah!
There is no rep requirement.
You can enter for another if you want to.
HiB9 Giveaway is not a BTA. Just a plain ol' HiB9 with 4 awesome games.

To Enter:

Describe in detail the most ninja thing you have ever done in your life (intentional or accidental)
Name your favorite metal band. And favorite album. And favorite song. Because metal is awesome.

That's it! Then you just have to wait for like 24-48 hours. Basically, until I feel like choosing a winner. Enjoy! :D


Congratulations Starmaker, tAnt0, and QuantumLeapFrog!
Post edited October 13, 2013 by Melhelix
This one time when I was 9, I fell 15 feet from a tree when a friend of mine yanked on the rope swing I was holding on to.

Needless to say, I was completely unhurt.

(Not in as I already have it, also bump)
Not in but +1

My favorite metal band is SlipKnot and the album would have to be Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) and the track would be Before I Forget.
Well, years ago there was this one time that i wast outside eating pizza with my little brother. The salad table had some lemons and i had taken few slices. there were, sitting at the table eating/speaking and while my little brother was looking away for few second - i thought it would be very fun to squeeze quite bit lemon into his water glass.

Passed the agility check and the result was hilarious to me, not so to my little brother who didnt think it was at all that fun surprise.

Not in though, as i already have the bundle :)

Favorite metal band? Well my favorite industrial metal band would be 'Turmion kätilöt' which translates roughly to Midwives of destruction. Hard to choose the best album, but i think i would go with the first one: "Hoitovirhe" (Malpractice).
Post edited October 12, 2013 by iippo
Not in, since I own the bundle myself.

Metalbands...there are so many good ones, it wouldn't feel right, to choose just one.

Well, believe it or not - the most Ninja-thing I ever did started intentional and ended accidental. ;o)

When I was a kid (maybe 10 y.o.) I loved to read "Kung-Fu Das Abenteuer und Kampfsportmagazin" (see attachement).

Now, one day I wanted to proudly present my mum a "reversed Roundhouse kick" (you know, that one where you lift your foot in a wide arc over your head)...well, it started real good - never before had I lifted my leg so high...unfortunately, when my leg/foot reached its highest point, my standing leg decided it would be a good idea, to follow its brother...

We-ell,...let's just say, if you lift both feet off the ground, you better be a bird, or else the laws of physic bring you down to earth, very quickly.
Post edited October 12, 2013 by BreOl72
Not in, but thanks.
I used to work as a Lotus dev for an embezzlement agency. I had to develop a huge IT service contract for the following year, which I did. Unfortunately, the agency had to answer to another, higher tier embezzlement agency, and they marinated the living hell out of it. So the actual signing was late, and I ended up taking the blame, being the lowest-ranked functionary. So -- order of business, right?

Unfortunately, I had an asshole colleague, nominally my boss, who my actual boss constantly threatened to fire and replace by yours truly, or to keep and just promote me one tier higher, and he jumped at the opportunity to avenge himself. The guy installed spyware everywhere, took away the administrative privileges at the server I was administering, blocked USB drives, whitelisted the internet ("I blocked wikipedia, because [Aniline] can use it to look up information on videogames"), falsely accused me of delinquency, etc, to the point that each fucking day I had to come reeeeeeeeally early and hack my way into the network to do my job. YES, SERIOUSLY.

And then, when the year was approaching its end and the service contract was soon to come into effect, he edited the job descriptions (that I had written up), assigning all the contract development to me (like, 90% of the workgroup's work load) and "overseer functions" to himself and his 4 uni boys. I repeat: uni boys who can't secure a simple network against a script kiddie to oversee the work of the Presidential IT Research Center. And to get paid for it. And they took away my Lotus - specifically, they told me to train a "temp" "for when I go on vacation" and in the meantime sent out an announcement that I was being taken off the project and permanently replaced with said "temp". When a bunch of recipients of said announcement sent me letters asking me to pretty please not quit the project, I knew it was time to look for a new job.

I had to have several documents scanned before I would leave, though. The sole accessible scanner stood in the open in the hallway, and when the asshole saw me standing at it, he cut me off. But I had a sort-of-friend there, impossibly computer illiterate but a power user of Lotus. She worked as a secretary and had half her minuscule secretary's salary stolen -- "redistributed" -- by her boss, on the grounds that (1) a secretary didn't deserve pay that high, and (2) women should be paid less, because they can always recoup the difference by, ahem, renting out their vaginas. So I scanned the documents to her workgroup's folder, and she moved them to her PC.

Since I was formally resigning, I had to pay a retraining fine, which was HUGE and would leave me without a roof over my head. The asshole knew that, and specifically instructed the chief accountant to not sign my release form unless I agree to pay the fine, in writing -- and without a release form, I couldn't get my labor record back and get a new job (the labor record is a Soviet bureaucratic artifact -- of course, in the halcyon days of mandatory employment, it couldn't be possibly used to keep anyone from getting a job, which seems to be its sole function now). So I sneaked in when the chief accountant was dining and got it signed by her aide, simple as that.

And finally, I said farewell to my nemesis, the head of EDM, by whom I had to sneak untold numbers of questionable letters and memos, with variable success. She was sad to see me go. So I decided to get something to remember her by. Even though the asshole forced me to guide the new Lotus admin through changing admin credentials, I never bothered to block old ID files. So I found an unattended PC, logged in with an old impersonal ID, and downloaded the whole EDM archive to my portable drive. Then I set the evidence to get thoroughly nuked over the weekend and walked away.
Metal band Metallica.
Album Reload
Track Fuel
Favourite band is probably Megadeth. Favourite album would be Peace Sells... But Who's Buying. Favourite track is Wake Up Dead.
Not in but +1
I'm in, +1 Thanks for the giveaway.

...And Justice for All
Not in but +1
Not in but +1
In for Mark of the Ninja.

And here is CONAN.

All caps are required.
As a kid, one time during winter I climbed a fence and did this awesome ninja-backflip into the snow. Except I didn't really know how to awesome-ninja-backflip, so I failed. Didn't end up hurting myself, though, because awesome ninja skillz. Either that, or maybe stupid little kids just have some kind of special protection. In retrospect, it was mostly stupid and not particularly awesome, but ninjas flip out and do crazy shit all the time, right? :/

As for Heavy Metal: Volbeat, Motörhead, Devildriver, Slayer. Not necessarily in that order. Don't really have a favourite record or song, since I listen to so much music. Would probably turn out to be a long list. Guitar Gangsters & Cadillac Blood by Volbeat is pretty kick-ass, though, the record as well as the song. :D

Not sure if I'm "in", either, since I'm mostly interested in GOG and never had a closer look at this Indie bundle thing. Is it DRM-free? And how would one go about downloading those games? And can you only give away the whole bundle in its entirety?

Edit: Oh, and thanks for the give-away!
Post edited October 12, 2013 by CharlesGrey