Posted October 12, 2013

This particular bundle has DRM-free versions of each game. The Humble Indie Bundles originally were all cross-platform and DRM-free but they've since morphed. Many of the new Humble Bundles offer only Steam key, Windows only games which is really tragic (or like one game in a bundle with a DRM-free version). So any time you pick up a bundle you always want to check it first. Anyways this one is completely cross-platform (works on Mac, Windows, and Linux) and has DRM-free versions (it also has Steam key versions.)
How do you download the games?
To download, once you redeem the bundle you simply click on the download links next to the game. You can also make a quick account to chain multiple bundles (have one page with all the games you've redeemed) basically like your GOG game shelf. It does not install any form of client. It simply is a web page to keep track of what you have available to download. You can download the games as many times as you like on as many computers as you wish.
Can you only give the whole bundle in its entirety?
This is a sticky point that people disagree on. I, personally, view a bundle as one whole unit. The Humble site says to treat them as one whole unit. However, you can redeem the Steam keys individually. Which technically means a person can have the DRM-free versions, and then redeem the Steam keys and give those individual keys to other people. This results in two separate copies of each game; the DRM-free version and the Steam version, with only the DRM-free version truly linked to your Humble account. Not my cup of tea, but it's not exactly like a crack team of cyber-police is going to come bursting through the door and taze you for doing it. :P
So, is it possible to give the games separately? Yes. Do I personally do that? No.