adaliabooks: Meh. I can't say it looks all that interesting. I'll take one of the links if someone needs it for Bad Mojo (I can imagine it's going to get pretty difficult to give away pretty soon), but I can imagine there's a reason they're giving them away like candy.
011284mm: probably keep the servers running. You need players for online and even if just 10% of the sales at the moment 38187 stay for a year it will keep the servers with people, meaning those who have actually played and enjoy get to keep going.
Just because of that I will at least give them a week or two when I get bored for a few hours.
Very true I suppose. More players means better experience for an online game, and might get more people to buy (that's if everyone and their dog hasn't got a copy after this bundle finishes)
But that's exactly why I'm not bothered in taking a copy, I had my fill of online FPS with the original Counterstrike.