yyahoo: I have every game through Humble on PC and Android except for Spacecom, so I'll pass. It's a good bundle if you don't have any of the games, but if you follow Humble regularly at all and have interest in these games, I can't imagine how you could have missed them...
Edit: In fact, this is *identical* to a previous Humble Weekly Bundle for 11 Bit Studios with the lone exception of Spacecom. Talk about a repeat!! :/
Grargar: Well, the first two Humble Flash sales were rebundles.
You are partly wrong, though. The BTA tier only included Anomaly Korea and the bonus content for Anomaly 2, but not the game itself.
Dang it, you're right. My bad...
Hmm, I wonder where I got Anomaly 2 from then. I've got an extra Steam key for it from the E3 Digital Ticket Bundle, so I already had it from another Humble Bundle before that. Suffice it to say, I'm getting a little tired of 11 bit games in Humble Bundles...