MonstaMunch: I hope they get sued to hell. So far I can see at least 3 lawsuits coming out of this:
- LTE. This is the most blatent case of stolen technology I've ever seen. It was developed by HTC and Samsung, and they hold the patents. Apple is refusing to pay them for it, so in light of recent court cases, Samsung will clearly hit back hard, as they are clearly in the right on this one.
- "World's Thinnest Smartphone" was the claim made regarding the iPhone 5 from Apple's marketing director. That should be enough to get them sued by Motorola, who have at least 4 phones that are thinner. I can't see why Apple would even say that when it's so provably false.
- My personal favorite potential lawsuit: Goophone i5. If anyone hasn't heard the story about it yet, Google it, funniest corporate trolling I've seen in a very long time. They won't be successful, but +rep for the thought and effort.
Thinnest isn't a patent, or enforceable apart from false advertising.
Personally I enjoyed how the BBC have turned their balanced journalism into a bitch fight: