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I wont be getting 1 - I have owned an iphone in the past, and was dismayed by how restricted it was, before i jailbroke it. Apple in general are overpriced, however that can be said for all "new" phones. I don't hate apple, they are what you are supposed to have if you are cool lmao - well that's one thing I have never been acused of :)
No, but I'll probably get the next iPad and Nexus, think I'll probably start developing for mobile. Best way out of this shit hole I expect...
Telika: Planned obsolescence, deliberate incompatibilities, ecological scandal, economy growth, self-sustaining self-cannibalizing global system, ideology of productivity, either asphyxiate the planet unter its own trash through artificial needs or die famished because the economy is paralyzed.

Of course I'm getting one. My iphone 4.9 is so last hour. I can't live without an iphone 5.
I think I'm going to kill myself now ;)

But yes, I share your cynicism. I read an article recently about Bruce Willis suing Apple because he can't give his music collection to his kids when he dies. It turns out Apple owns your collection, you only bought the rights to borrow it while you're alive. In summary, Apple will destroy the planet and then steal from your kids after you're dead :D
It's all about what ecosytem you're in. If you've had an iphone before, you're pretty much stuck getting another unless you never purchased anything on iTunes.

Bought an Galaxy SIII in june which is an excellent phone by the way. I know my brother and his 4S are very jealous of it.
crazy_dave: Amazon has more the strategy you refer to: make a small amount or even a loss on the device (and eBooks), but make money on the other services they offer.
Sony did the same thing with the Playstation 3, didn't they? Sold the system at cost or at a loss to penetrate the market and recover with games sales.
Nope I will stick with my nearly 2 year old android smart phone
I know my younger brother will probably get one.
Post edited September 12, 2012 by mcneil_1
I have had the same flip phone for the past 7 years. You guys bafffle me with your phone giggles.
I hope they get sued to hell. So far I can see at least 3 lawsuits coming out of this:

- LTE. This is the most blatent case of stolen technology I've ever seen. It was developed by HTC and Samsung, and they hold the patents. Apple is refusing to pay them for it, so in light of recent court cases, Samsung will clearly hit back hard, as they are clearly in the right on this one.

- "World's Thinnest Smartphone" was the claim made regarding the iPhone 5 from Apple's marketing director. That should be enough to get them sued by Motorola, who have at least 4 phones that are thinner. I can't see why Apple would even say that when it's so provably false.

- My personal favorite potential lawsuit: Goophone i5. If anyone hasn't heard the story about it yet, Google it, funniest corporate trolling I've seen in a very long time. They won't be successful, but +rep for the thought and effort.
MonstaMunch: - "World's Thinnest Smartphone" was the claim made regarding the iPhone 5 from Apple's marketing director. That should be enough to get them sued by Motorola, who have at least 4 phones that are thinner. I can't see why Apple would even say that when it's so provably false.
They always say that with everything they do. Funny how people buy their words.
MonstaMunch: I hope they get sued to hell. So far I can see at least 3 lawsuits coming out of this:

- LTE. This is the most blatent case of stolen technology I've ever seen. It was developed by HTC and Samsung, and they hold the patents. Apple is refusing to pay them for it, so in light of recent court cases, Samsung will clearly hit back hard, as they are clearly in the right on this one.

- "World's Thinnest Smartphone" was the claim made regarding the iPhone 5 from Apple's marketing director. That should be enough to get them sued by Motorola, who have at least 4 phones that are thinner. I can't see why Apple would even say that when it's so provably false.

- My personal favorite potential lawsuit: Goophone i5. If anyone hasn't heard the story about it yet, Google it, funniest corporate trolling I've seen in a very long time. They won't be successful, but +rep for the thought and effort.
Isn't LTE required to license under FRAND?

Thinnest isn't a patent, or enforceable apart from false advertising.

Personally I enjoyed how the BBC have turned their balanced journalism into a bitch fight:
wpegg: Thinnest isn't a patent, or enforceable apart from false advertising.
False advertising, and potentially loss of sales from competitors who sell phones that are in fact considerably thinner.

Patents relating to basic LTE operation are required to be licenced under FRAND, but optimizations that come with it are not.

I don't think Apple's defense will involve FRAND. I think their defense will be that they already paid for the technology when the bought the chips from Samsung, so Samsung is essentially trying to charge them twice for the same thing. I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know how it will turn out, but I'm fairly certain that the suing will happen, successfully or not.
MonstaMunch: LTE. This is the most blatent case of stolen technology I've ever seen. It was developed by HTC and Samsung, and they hold the patents.
Not just them. A lot of companies have patents on it. Apple have been buying up patents related to LTE. Samsung has the most of everyone, but still only 12.7% of the total number of patents related to LTE.
MonstaMunch: LTE. This is the most blatent case of stolen technology I've ever seen. It was developed by HTC and Samsung, and they hold the patents.
Porkdish: Not just them. A lot of companies have patents on it. Apple have been buying up patents related to LTE. Samsung has the most of everyone, but still only 12.7% of the total number of patents related to LTE.
I believe HTC own the majority of the related patents, but Samsung are more likely to sue, partly because they have better resources to do so, and partly because they already announced that's exactly what they plan to do.

They are also arguing that LTE isn't covered by FRAND as it's non essential. Given that the vast majority of smartphone users don't live in areas with LTE connectivity anyway, they might be onto something.
What's the point in buying one if the iPhone 5S will be announced in 6 months.
Nope, not me.