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I believe a few weeks ago someone had made a post putting forth the idea/request of there being some sort of linux/mac or alternative gaming platform forum. At the time I liked the idea in theory, but was unsure there were enough people or interest in such things to really justify some sort of room for people to discuss Mac/Linux issues. I'm starting to think I may need to reconsider.

Linux/Mac users currently have to accept a certain degree alienation and technical hoop jumping that comes from using a non-mainstream gaming OS, but that isn't stopping us from trying. Upon new releases users are frequently posting their wine success and failure stories. The “add linux versions of games,” has passed the 2000 vote mark on the wishlist, which actually exceeds the number of votes for “increasing the number of games compatible with win7,” wish, making it the second highest voted for feature request on the wishlist. And at the rate it is growing I would expect it to take top spot very soon.

Furthermore, people are taking notice of some of the new games having alternative native versions being sold when purchased elsewhere, and it may be effecting some buying decisions. For example I purchased Trine here to support the new games initiative, but will likely buy Trine2 from the dev website since it comes with a linux version and I want to support that initiative.

There appears to be a fairly substantial, and perhaps even unexpected, number of alternative OS users roaming around on GOG(being that GOG doesn't support linux or macs.) I would gather we all have differing desires as to what we would like to see, but I'm mostly interested in the question, “are you using, part or full time, a linux or mac OS to game on?” Consider it a poll of sorts, just to see how numerous we are, or are not.

A secondary question would be to reraise the question as to if it makes sense to have a forum where GOGer's can discuss any related issues. Be that OS advice, asking details on using wine/Crossover, configuring GOG games in a native version of DOSBox, generally whatever.

If only three people raise their hand for the poll, then I imagine not. But if 200 people raise their hands, then maybe it would be a good idea. Then then the question is, is there an appropriate wishlist item to all get on board with?
Linux users already reported here in the past :-)
tarangwydion: Linux users already reported here in the past :-)
91 posts all a little less than a year ago. Should we necro that thread to add to it or see if the count is higher now?
tarangwydion: Linux users already reported here in the past :-)
gooberking: 91 posts all a little less than a year ago. Should we necro that thread to add to it or see if the count is higher now?
A new current one might carry more weight. In any case, I am moving to Mac hopefully later on this month or early next month. So count me in please for liking the idea of a forum for Mac and Linux users. I use Linux too already on my laptop.

I don't know if it is practical for GOG or not but it would be great if they began to offer Mac and Linux versions where possible. I hope the potential revenue is there to make that worthwhile for them as I would buy Mac titles in the future.
*raises hand* I've been migrating to linux mint. The only thing that is keeping me in the windows world is gaming and (some of) my work, I have windows on another partition. I would love it if there were more games made compatible with linux though.
Post edited April 12, 2012 by Thunderstone
Yeah I guess we never ran a formal poll for Mac users ... or did we? I can't remember - I remember the Linux one.

People subscribing to the How-to GOGmixes for Linux/Mac in addition to the voting for Mac/Linux games (which you mentioned) to appear here in the community wishlist also probably give an estimate for the number of Mac/Linux GOGers.

I do hope to one day see Mac/Linux versions of games GOG can easily sell to those platforms, but I can wait patiently with WINE/Bootcamp 'till then. :)

... Oh and Mac user! :)
Post edited April 13, 2012 by crazy_dave
Ubuntu, but I dual boot with Win7. I use Linux for everything except games.
*raises a tentacle*

I would play more games on Linux if they had proper .debs instead of the usual Wine jury-rigging.
Post edited April 13, 2012 by JudasIscariot
*Raises the flag of the Linux to high skies*

I am dual-booting with Windows(only for gaming) for years.

Gaming in Linux is a chicken-egg/egg-chicken problem. Companies don't make games for Linux because the userbase is small and Windows gamers who want to switch don't/can't switch to Linux because there are few games for it.

But we will continue to struggle. Wine is good and i used it very much in the past(finished Max Payne 1 & 2 on Wine, played a lot of Warcraft 3 etc...) but it is not a solution for us. Native gaming on Linux is the only answer.

I think the hardest part comes from the DirectX part(correct me if i'm wrong). What is the state of OpenGL? If it surpasses the DirectX we can have Linux versions more easily.
[raise hand]
Reciently i have migrated from win7 to linux. I have configured Arch in my desktop computer (laptop is next), and after two months of usage I am not looking back. I'm getting rid of anything Windows. For leisure and work. Happy man!

I was excited about GOG's announcements for this year, but now I do not feel as attached to this service as before.
Don't get me wrong, I love GOG; it's the best service for my needs, but the "windows only" thing is like a wall arround it that I didn't take notice before.

You can jump from one side to the other. But it's a hassle...

Edit: Oh! A subforum for us (linux users) would be great.
Post edited April 13, 2012 by spege
Which hand? I try to get familiar with every system I can get my hands on - plan9 is a little unusual though - and Linux (currently Mint on the main laptop and Debian on the netbook) seems to be replacing Windows as my main OS, with the Windows partition shrinking bit by bit in favour of the Linux one. As I manage to build myself a nice new server with lots of storage space I'll be introducing the tower to the *nix family as well.
Over here, kind of. I slowly started migrating to Linux, but still have my trusty windows 7 installed.
*raises left fist* I am a dual booter as well I use Win7 mainly for gaming and atm Debian (stable) as my main Desktop.