Momo1991: MAHAYO has been super-effective! YAY to everyone that has supported the effort to stop naked code drops for bots or anonymous users to snatch. Thank-you!!
But we still have a pretty serious problem... until Steam institutes a system to show exactly which account has redeemed a gift (unlike GOG or Desura or even bundle sites like IndieGala - thank-you rong44 for exposing Anasto as the two GOG scam accounts coughning and team_dota_2). So I am asking for a bit more from everyone...yeah, it's kind of like work to give a gift but let's stamp out the trolls!
SOTT... (I kind of like that it's a play on drunkenness ;-p)
Stamp Out The Trolls by asking for their Steam profile before you actually gift them. If their profile is private, don't gift them until they make it public. This is just common sense before doing any trading, why not make it common sense before gifting? Then check their Steamtrade profile... yeah, this is not foolproof but it WILL prevent the Anasto's of the world with huge Steam game lists from collecting tons of games on one Steam profile. The scammers will have to create more profiles and manage them (less Steam rep, less Steamtrade rep...yada...) so yeah, not fool proof but it's a start. These GOG profiles from poor countries/sob stories won't be able to hide their massive game lists if you ask before gifting. And if they they don't redeem your gift ASAP on that profile, then you can report them in the scammer list for trading/selling your gift.
Any reference to drunkeness wins points from me. :P