Posted October 09, 2013
high rated
One copy of Max Payne 1+2 Steam for a random winner.
You must post a tongue twister, and would be better to post a video to listen how it sounds. Doesn't need to be in English.
For example:
Una polla xica, pica, pellarica, camatorta i becarica
va tenir sis polls xics, pics, pellarics, camatorts i becarics.
Si la polla no hagués sigut xica, pica, pellarica, camatorta i becarica,
els sis polls no haguessin sigut xics, pics, pellarics, camatorts i becarics.
1. 50 Rep Minimum
2. Enter only for yourself(no trading, no regifting, no enetering for others).
3. Say yor're in and post a tongue twister.
I will add the winner to steam and gift the game.
It will be open for about a week.
You must post a tongue twister, and would be better to post a video to listen how it sounds. Doesn't need to be in English.
For example:
Una polla xica, pica, pellarica, camatorta i becarica
va tenir sis polls xics, pics, pellarics, camatorts i becarics.
Si la polla no hagués sigut xica, pica, pellarica, camatorta i becarica,
els sis polls no haguessin sigut xics, pics, pellarics, camatorts i becarics.
1. 50 Rep Minimum
2. Enter only for yourself(no trading, no regifting, no enetering for others).
3. Say yor're in and post a tongue twister.
I will add the winner to steam and gift the game.
It will be open for about a week.