Posted July 11, 2012
So, I was just playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow Of Chernobyl, and I was thinking to myself man, this is immersive (especially with the Complete mod. I especially love that little mod they included that makes storms actually move and approach you instead of just spontaneously appearing). Everything about the game just comes together into an extremely immersive (cross-hairs notwithstanding) experience, to the point that I'll often subconsciously tilt my head when looking around corners. Also, exploring The Red Forest for the first time in the middle of a night-time thunderstorm? Not pleasant. I ended up seeing a fire in the distance, wildly running to it, and getting obliterated by the bandits sitting around it. >.>
Aaanyway, to the point: I'm just curious what the most immersive games you guys have ever played are, thought it might be interesting to hear people's experiences.
Aaanyway, to the point: I'm just curious what the most immersive games you guys have ever played are, thought it might be interesting to hear people's experiences.