Stalker yes. The guitars, the environment, the russian voices (i don't speak russian), the autonomous wildlife, the melancholy, the zone. Did it for me.
Penumbra. Got me in the guts.
Nosferatu. Too immersive.
Aces of the Deep. Puns aside. I tend to forget that I have oxygen available around me, when I play this game.
FEAR. Enough to jump when Alma shows up.
Far Cry. Enough to dream about running on bright green hills and dive into blue clear water from insane heights.
System Shock 2. Enough to refuse getting onto the Rickenbacker, and to develop a psychotic real-life hatred for Shodan. I hate shodan. I hate shodan. I hate, I hate shodan. I hate shodan.
Aliens versus Predator. Enough to refuse stepping into the derelict.
Homeworld. I want to go back, and never leave that game again : a mere screenshot is immersive enough to hook you on your screen for days, staring at it, getting lost in it.
Elite. It used to be. I don't know if it still is. Never felt this with later space games, but maybe wouldn't with Elite either, nowadays.
Subwar 2050. Shut up, I think I've spotted a whale. That is beautiful.