Posted April 16, 2014

So, I found these Steam codes, and my old brain doesn't work the way it used to, so I don't remember if they're used or not, so I'm gonna list the games here see and if one of them looks interesting enough to spend a minute trying a code to see if it works. But no promises, because I'm just really not sure if they're any good or not. I suspect there's at least one that's good and that there's probably at least one that isn't.
First person to reply saying they'll take a chance on it gets it. But only one chance per person today. If you take a chance and it's not good, sorry, just wasn't your day ninja. If you're not okay with that, don't respond. If any remain untested 24 hours from now (LOL if that happens that must mean these games really, really suck), then one person can try them all if they want.
2) Little Racers STREET
3) //N.P.P.D.// RUSH
4) Gunman Clive
5) Humanity Asset