chris.frukacz: Differing opinion. Funny thing, I though you were just trying to push buttons and see folk attack you as it makes you look like a "victim" here. No. I will have different opinion and I think you do this for some kind of kicks.
It is BS debate as it makes no sense. It's like deciding to clone a human with and ass where head usually is and say it improves greatly as now you can talk out of your ass and that would be solution to the problem. Nope.
As to the third one, you are not a lesser fan. You are not fan at all. You are just picking battles for funsies as you do in other topics.
Ah, the human-alien alliance... *facepalm* That would work with Emperor reborn wouldn't it? You know, all with that whole xenos war and total hatred. Read up more before you open your mouth, this is prime example of a troll you are.
1. And you're free to it, but I like to debate and sometimes my opinion is the unpopular one and it looks like i'm doing it for kicks when 90% of the time i'm not.
2. And imo the fans saying the universe is ok the way it is and never needs to be changed is also sounding like that.
3. No i'm not picking battles and am a bit of a fan.....stop making opinions out to be facts and trying to get me hot under the collar so I start slinging insults so you can discredit me further.
3. Not trolling, so stop trying to discredit me with ad hominem attacks and either debate me seriously here or leave.
GameRager: What if the war ended and no one won and they all or mostly carried into the new main storyline?
Popinjay: The war can't end, I can say this is true for the Eldar. They can't field any of their planet killers because they are so far away. If they were beaten back no one would make the jump to conquer them because they literally have a gigantic space armada of epicness. So they can just sit there and train units and send them through the warp forever.
It could still shift focus though, alliances formed betwen man and alien, a divison in the imperium(albeit just a splinter breaking off to fit the storyline well), etc.