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stonebro: And these are traits of your religion, rather than the species? Are these traits not commonly found outside the confines of your religion?
Go back and review all of your posts in this forum. I'm not religious at all but it sounds like you could benefit from the themes HGiles mentioned. I understand you're too bigoted to and clearly too close-minded to consider doing that so you can use Ben Franklin's moral guide which removes the religion but is based on the teachings of Jesus.

So many of your comments reveal a dense individual who isn't really deserving of a debate. Using your logic, every individual in Norway is racist, incapable of original thought, and terribly misguided just because you are (because all know one person defines a whole subset of people, right)?

Also, because I really do want to help you: your tone comes off as a person with a peener approximately 2-4 inches in length with a 1/8th inch radius. Try being less mad. The content of your notes will still be absurd I suspect but at least they'll be palatable.
Elmofongo: A little off-topic

What do you guys think of
You can Google it to find your answer. By consensus Politifact is left-of-center but not extreme left like MSNBC or anything. They do show bias in most analyses but typically not enough to completely misrepresent an issue (although it has happened a few times).

One example of "non-partisanship" was naming Obama's "Republicans voted to end Medicare" lie as the Lie of the Year in 2011.

All this said, the real bias comes from the volume of claims that are "fact-checked." Far more Republican statements are rated than Democrats. Also, keep in mind who is being fact-checked. In most cases the GOP candidates made their own statements directly. The Democrats use surrogates (who aren't checked nearly as often) to a far greater extent. Imagine what would happen if Politifact tried to rate all of Debbie Wasserman-Schulz, David Axelrod, Stephanie Cutter or Nancy Pelosi's claims? Their computers would fry and the entire site would be inundated with "Pants on Fire" lies. DWS alone would single-handedly bring down Politifact.
Post edited September 03, 2012 by tangledblue11
Nirth_90: I've not put any interest into the election but about backbone to go to war..Does he actually gets votes because of that reason?
What backbone?

Does that mean he'll grab a rifle and join the front lines?

Otherwise, I don't see any backbone there, just a willingness to get others killed to achieve something he wouldn't be willing to die for himself.
Post edited September 03, 2012 by Magnitus
Nirth_90: I've not put any interest into the election but about backbone to go to war..Does he actually gets votes because of that reason?
Magnitus: What backbone?

Does that mean he'll grab a rifle and join the front lines?

Otherwise, I don't see any backbone there, just a willingness to get others killed to achieve something he wouldn't be willing to die for himself.
Quote from the first poster:
StingingVelvet: He basically said he would go to war with Iran, 'cause he has backbone motherfucker!
I was just curious if people actually vote on potential presidents because they want their nation to declare war.
tangledblue11: So many of your comments reveal a dense individual who isn't really deserving of a debate. Using your logic, every individual in Norway is racist, incapable of original thought, and terribly misguided just because you are (because all know one person defines a whole subset of people, right)?
I guess they would be if norwegians were screaming for the death penalty,
titillating themselves about brevik getting prison raped,
posturing about how they would have been the hero had they been there,
feigning outrage that their fellow countrymen live in worse conditions than prison

It's really hard to engage with your posts which seem to be coming from bizzaro-reverse-world. You throw around words like morality and hate and wtf you mean by them is a pure guess... it's like talking to a fundamentalist (in which case I give up already).

And the picture you paint really does seem to bear no relation to the world we actually live in.

Let's deal out some facts:

The biggest overseas employers of americans are canada and european countries (not in aggregate; individually). Not china, not the middleeast, not even japan.

The biggest holders of american private debt... the same thing.

The biggest investors and owners of american business... again the same.

The biggest bailout in history is still the one texas got over savings and loans. The problem with the euro is it has no similar mechanism: imagine if the rest of the union had had the option of telling the state of texas to go f-itself and burn? If europe is "autofail" so is the united states. This is a financial (banking) crisis, not whatever you seem to think.

To summarise: the impression you're giving is that you have a set world view (and a very black and white one) and facts can go hang.
Post edited September 03, 2012 by rahal
tangledblue11: Go back and review all of your posts in this forum.

tangledblue11: So many of your comments reveal a dense individual who isn't really deserving of a debate. Using your logic, every individual in Norway is racist, incapable of original thought, and terribly misguided just because you are (because all know one person defines a whole subset of people, right)?
When have I been racist? I accused the republican party of racism. Because many of their policies would effectively amount to racism - only it's not as ... direct now as it was back in the 50s. Tax increases for the poor is effectively racism as long as such a disproportionate percentage of america's poor are the black and the minorities.

I'm sorry, my thinking is at least clear enough to see through the lies being perpetrated by the republicans right now and recognize a pile of shit for what it is. Romney might be the head of the worm, but that's a head I'd like to cut off any day, even if the worm will just grow another.

You have to try to understand that your dysfunctional sociopolitical system is ... very alien to us over here. It's so very obvious why it doesn't work, and it's so very obvious how you're bombarded with lies and misconceptions that try to convince you otherwise. I'd be fine with not giving a fuck and letting you rot in your own shitsauce, unfortunately if your economy tanks the whole world tanks with it. So it's kind of important that you don't yet again elect someone with a less than optimal understanding of everything from the properties of underwear to proper fiscal planning.

Also plus points for bringing penis size into the discussion. That is truly the sign of an enlightened soul. Hitler complex comparisons would have scored higher, though.

Now go fuck your mother with a cactus.
keeveek: I know quite a few christians that don't go to any church, they just try to follow what Jesus taught them. And these are good people.
I tend to get along with these sorts a lot better as they tend to have a far smaller percentage of hypocrites (especially the hypocrites that do pretty nasty stuff).

I'd argue that a large percentage of US Christians would not be approved of by their Christ as they describe him. And I don't mean in the "we all have our shortcomings" kind of way, but more the "you're basically a self centered and evil motherfucker".

I know a lot of Mormons and I know a ton about their dogma, I still want to know why they can justify supporting Romney, the way he runs his business the Jesus they describe would have gone into a rage and beat his ass out of the "temple" just as fast as any money changer. This is not "my" Jesus, I don't have one of those, this is the Jesus that they describe to me. Mormons are extremely fond of that Biblical story, btw, so I think the question is very apt.

And to you Mormons, you tend to idolize your law of tithing, thinking anyone to actually pays must be good in all other ways. Yet you castigate Catholics for their practice of indulgences (pre-paying for sins) and how easy confession is. This is inconsistent, someone is not "good" just because they donate 10% of their income to their church. It might be a point in their favor, but it's not an excuse to overlook their other behavior. Your church's official policy is to not accept tithing paid on income from illegal or immoral actions. Are you 100% certain that Romney's actions at Bain don't qualify as immoral? I urge you to take a deeper look, because it is a pretty nasty way to operate.

I am in no way arguing for Obama here, what I am arguing, to Mormons specifically, about is that Romeny is probably not the guy you want representing your belief system to the world. The dude acts like a class A asshole, regardless of how tear jerking of a speech he can give at the church pulpit.
tangledblue11: Go back and review all of your posts in this forum.

tangledblue11: So many of your comments reveal a dense individual who isn't really deserving of a debate. Using your logic, every individual in Norway is racist, incapable of original thought, and terribly misguided just because you are (because all know one person defines a whole subset of people, right)?
stonebro: When have I been racist? I accused the republican party of racism. Because many of their policies would effectively amount to racism - only it's not as ... direct now as it was back in the 50s. Tax increases for the poor is effectively racism as long as such a disproportionate percentage of america's poor are the black and the minorities.

I'm sorry, my thinking is at least clear enough to see through the lies being perpetrated by the republicans right now and recognize a pile of shit for what it is. Romney might be the head of the worm, but that's a head I'd like to cut off any day, even if the worm will just grow another.

You have to try to understand that your dysfunctional sociopolitical system is ... very alien to us over here. It's so very obvious why it doesn't work, and it's so very obvious how you're bombarded with lies and misconceptions that try to convince you otherwise. I'd be fine with not giving a fuck and letting you rot in your own shitsauce, unfortunately if your economy tanks the whole world tanks with it. So it's kind of important that you don't yet again elect someone with a less than optimal understanding of everything from the properties of underwear to proper fiscal planning.

Also plus points for bringing penis size into the discussion. That is truly the sign of an enlightened soul. Hitler complex comparisons would have scored higher, though.

Now go fuck your mother with a cactus.
I can hardly read your comments through that veil of rage, extremism and racism but I wholeheartedly agree we cannot again elect someone who has no idea what he's doing. That's why the community organizer - whose only experience in the world is enriching himself by exploiting minorities and supporting voter fraud - must be voted out in November.

Also, you may want to read this... I was very curious to learn how someone can be so hopelessly clueless (I was thinking perhaps Norway only had access to state sponsored media) but it looks like you're just uninformed by choice:

I am worried about you. You seem like you're seconds away from losing it. Any other Norweigans out there know if there's a help line or something we can call for Stone? I feel like we're seeing an obvious cry for help and signs of unstable behavior.
tangledblue11 you lost it right there
Christianity at its very least is an institution that encourages people to love one another and do what is right, thus being honorable to God thus being God's children.

now, you can encourage people all day long to do something, and in the end, they simply don't want to do it. In my opinion, a man who doesn't want to love his fellow man or do what is right, but instead loves to do evil, can CALL himself a christian all he wants, he simply isn't one.

having said that, i will sum up my point: you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

and is it wrong to have an institution in place that leads people to water? can you blame christianity for the hate certain christians have, even though that goes against Jesus's Teachings?
The Romney campaign has thus far been a train wreck. I don't see how anyone can actually claim anything otherwise.

So your choices are :

-A dude who will say ANYTHING to get in to office.
-Capt. Ordinary and another completely mediocre 4 years.

Yeah, uh...enjoy that?
tangledblue11: I am worried about you. You seem like you're seconds away from losing it. Any other Norweigans out there know if there's a help line or something we can call for Stone? I feel like we're seeing an obvious cry for help and signs of unstable behavior.
I'm just worried that Obama koolaid he's been drinking has been laced with Jim Jones juice... :-)
Post edited September 03, 2012 by clawhook
Crassmaster: The Romney campaign has thus far been a train wreck. I don't see how anyone can actually claim anything otherwise.

So your choices are :

-A dude who will say ANYTHING to get in to office.
-Capt. Ordinary and another completely mediocre 4 years.

Yeah, uh...enjoy that?
So many ways to demolish your ignorant post. I think I'll go with one of my favorite clips ever:

I cannot fathom how many simpletons actually think there's such a thing as "free" anything. Everything costs something to somebody. Of course, left wing extremists don't care who they hurt or what repurcussions they bring so long as their selfish needs are met.

If Romney were as dishonest as Obama he'd have promised that moron free birthcontrol and probably a free Lexus while he was at it. The last six months have been nothing but a giant panderfest from Obama. And you accuse Romney of saying anything to get into office? Wake up.
Post edited September 03, 2012 by tangledblue11
tangledblue11: If Romney were as dishonest as Obama he'd have promised that moron free birthcontrol and probably a free Lexus while he was at it. The last six months have been nothing but a giant panderfest from Obama. And you accuse Romney of saying anything to get into office? Wake up.
I had no idea they were distributing the koolaid outside the US as well... From the posts here it seems the foreign batch is even stronger than the domestic!

Just waiting for someone to point out something racist about your post.
tangledblue11: If Romney were as dishonest as Obama he'd have promised that moron free birthcontrol and probably a free Lexus while he was at it. The last six months have been nothing but a giant panderfest from Obama. And you accuse Romney of saying anything to get into office? Wake up.
clawhook: I had no idea they were distributing the koolaid outside the US as well... From the posts here it seems the foreign batch is even stronger than the domestic!

Just waiting for someone to point out something racist about your post.
While I had to research Norway's media structure to understand why Stonebro is so obtuse the great land of Canada is world-renowned for having biased media. Thankfully, and as usual, America is ahead of the pack in shedding this baggage and I suspect the rest of the world will soon follow.

In America, people are tired of being "sold" ideology and we're watching the traditional media apparatus die a much needed death thanks to the internet and social media. I remember my wake up call when listening to NPR delivering a salespitch for Obamacare a few years ago and I still cringe to think about what a clueless, mindless person I used to be.