G-Doc: We confirm that some legal issues have arisen with
<span class="bold">Second Sight</span>. This has caused some of the other retailers to already remove the game from their offer. We're investigating this matter now, but it is likely that
tomorrow we'll have to take down the sales page for
Second Sight as well. If this happens we will do our best to re-include that great sci-fi paranormal thriller in GOG.com catalogue. As for now, we operate under the assumption that these are the final hours we can offer you this great game in our usual DRM-free, goodie-filled package. It's very probable that you'll continue to be able to download Second Sight from the catalog for the forseeable future--but if you're the belt and suspenders type, you might want to make sure you've got a backup stored locally, just in case.
Thanks for that, man. I was thinking about it last night when I saw this topic, but I couldn't justify doing it with how low on funds I've been lately. Greatly appreciate the confirmation of some trouble with Second Sight. I've been waiting on a sale on Second Sight for ages. Saw it in stores and had an interest in playing it, but never had the chance to pick it up. $10 will set me back a bit, so hopefully you guys will have a lame gem promo and weekend this time. ;)
On the subject of Codemasters, Soldiers: Heroes of World War II has been rotting away for ages on my wishlist. I just noticed today that it's also on Steam, half the price of the GOG version, and currently 66% off as well. Codemasters games don't get enough sales here (I remember last holiday that they were one of the few to hold back on having discounts. Perimeter and Cannon Fodder have been on my wishlist for as long as I can remember!), so I have to admit it's awfully tempting. >_>