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Barry_Woodward: Is there a possibility of losing other Codemasters titles in the near term? Should I buy their other games just in case?
SimonG: Steam is putting them on sale, so something weird might be up... far only Heroes: Soldiers of WW2 seems to be on discount...
hmm, well if this is a sign that Codemasters is going under/getting rid of their IPs maybe we will get lucky and the rights to Lesiure suit Larry can go back to Al Lowe.
high rated
Thanks, GOG, for posting a heads-up (two actually). It didn't affect me in this case (I already own the game and have it safely stored), but you've gone far beyond what I expected.

To the people who think that the forum posts aren't "obvious" enough: I'm honestly having trouble understanding your position. Usually, when a shop is forced to take a game down, there are only two ways of dealing with it, both with the same outcome:

a ) No one gives a damn about the customers and the games are taken down.

b ) Someone cares about the customers and asks the legal department if there would be any legal risk in warning them. The legal department answers "We can't exclude that possibility." As a result, the games are taken down without a warning.

GOG has chosen neither of these approaches. GOG has, in response to the complaints that accompanied the last games that were taken down, put customer satisfaction _above_ total safety, and posted a heads-up. That's much more than anybody with an understanding of licensing issues could have expected.

And as a result for that outstanding customer service, they get criticized that the heads-up wasn't "obvious" enough? Come on ...really, that sounds terribly ungrateful to me (although it's probably just knowing much about the legal side of the matter, I suppose).
Too bad you can only uprate something once.

Just chill out everyone. Get it if you can. If you can't, then no big deal.
Bad things happen.
Eh, screw it, I don't need to buy underwear anyway.

I think it's awesome that we got an official confirmation. Doesn't affect me in this case, but it reminds me why I like GOG.
Post edited September 25, 2012 by maycett
Put it on sale. Along with the rest of Codemaster's games.
Post edited September 26, 2012 by WhoKnowscs
Thank you for your time and attention. Let this be a lesson to all of you.

Psyringe: Thanks, GOG, for posting a heads-up (two actually). It didn't affect me in this case (I already own the game and have it safely stored), but you've gone far beyond what I expected.

To the people who think that the forum posts aren't "obvious" enough: I'm honestly having trouble understanding your position. Usually, when a shop is forced to take a game down, there are only two ways of dealing with it, both with the same outcome:

a ) No one gives a damn about the customers and the games are taken down.

b ) Someone cares about the customers and asks the legal department if there would be any legal risk in warning them. The legal department answers "We can't exclude that possibility." As a result, the games are taken down without a warning.

GOG has chosen neither of these approaches. GOG has, in response to the complaints that accompanied the last games that were taken down, put customer satisfaction _above_ total safety, and posted a heads-up. That's much more than anybody with an understanding of licensing issues could have expected.

And as a result for that outstanding customer service, they get criticized that the heads-up wasn't "obvious" enough? Come on ...really, that sounds terribly ungrateful to me (although it's probably just knowing much about the legal side of the matter, I suppose).
G-Doc: As soon as we confirmed that there might be problems with the availability of Second Sight we announced it in its own forum
While the sentiment is good, what's the point of hiding that notice in a forum that isn't even linked to on the game's store page? If you're going to post such announcements there, at least provide an easy to find link to the forums on the product pages first.

People have been asking for such links on product pages for years. I honestly don't understand why such a obvious feature is still missing.
G-Doc: We confirm that some legal issues have arisen with <span class="bold">Second Sight</span>. This has caused some of the other retailers to already remove the game from their offer. We're investigating this matter now, but it is likely that tomorrow we'll have to take down the sales page for Second Sight as well. If this happens we will do our best to re-include that great sci-fi paranormal thriller in catalogue. As for now, we operate under the assumption that these are the final hours we can offer you this great game in our usual DRM-free, goodie-filled package. It's very probable that you'll continue to be able to download Second Sight from the catalog for the forseeable future--but if you're the belt and suspenders type, you might want to make sure you've got a backup stored locally, just in case.
Hey, thanks for the notification! As someone else mentioned; Gem Promo time?!
Wait... WTF am I worried about? Carmageddon is about to release!
Post edited September 26, 2012 by the_bard
Man I hope the game is still available in about 8 - 10 hours (my pay gets put in)
Psyringe: although it's probably just knowing much about the legal side of the matter, I suppose.
This. And I don't think anyone said they weren't obvious enough, it's just that I noticed this thread because of a community member started it, not a blue one. The argument that they posted two times doens't really hold up because first one was in the middle of this thread and the second was in a sub-forum which I'm not part of because I don't own the game here but I have it on retail and already finish it. We'll just have to agree to disagree. Obviously if there are legal issues involved, which I didn't know, I understand it but it's still annoying (again, not blaming GOG if there are legal issues).
Post edited September 26, 2012 by Nirth
And it's gone...
jamyskis: And it's gone...
woooh... how unexpected :)

Time to set up a Second Sight Giveaway Competition ;)