DieRuhe: I didn't realize PS4 was going to be mainly a digital thing. Ugh.
officially unconfirmed, but it's happening (both with the PS4 and the 720) ... I guess there is room on the list for both systems to offer up both conventional disk-based systems & disk-drive-less Dial-a-Boxs versions at launch, but that would just be to appease the masses and ease the transition with a discontinuation of the hold over system soon after (like how SONY nix-ed the PS2 supporting versions).
just take a look at how MS is trying to sell the Xbox for $99 with a Xbox live contract to see how they are trying to push the mandatory 'net use angle prior to the next system's release.
both of the big boys will be doing it and Nintendo is likely to push downloads over disks (despite it having the option for it) with the Wii U (like how they have been with the DSi and 3DS).
wave of the future man, wave of the future ... it's technological progress and keeping up with consumer demand that is driving this, the fact that it will fuck over used game sales is just an incidental side effect.