Navagon: What's he doing that's so horribly inappropriate there?
There's a way to put your hand on a waist without groping the bottom of a women's tits, even if she has big tits and you have big hands. He's not doing that. If you don't know what he's doing wrong there, ask a woman if that's a-okay.
Red_Avatar: She could easily resign and find a different job - others shouldn't have to bend over backwards to please her.
PenutBrittle: Recession, anyone? Finding a new job from 2008 to 2009 wasn't as easy as you make it sound. When it comes down to getting harassed or continuing to eat, it's an easy and horribly unpleasant choice.
You are not obligated to find a new job just because your boss wants to be a fuck-wad. There is a minimum bar for employer/employee interaction in this country that, even as low as it is around these parts, he is not fucking meeting. "Find a new job if you don't like it," is the refrain of shortsighted people who don't realize that every fucking new job would be the same shit as the old if the bar were lowered.
Red_Avatar: He didn't - that was Kotaku being a typical tabloid website. He sent her the list and asked for her score. Read carefully.
Dude, hairsplitting much? I'm well aware of what he did, it's sexual harassment, Kotaku simply illustrated the kinds of questions that will rate your "purity" on said quiz, I believe they simply copied the questions from the legal complaint.
I don't know why so many want to dismiss actual halfway decent reporting just because it's Kotaku, they actually did a good job on this one, it's rather silly to knock them when they actually manage to do a good job.
Red_Avatar: Heck, jokes about breasts and nipples - that's every day fare at the jobs I've been and the women usually join in.
The point is it's their choice if they want to "join in", if they say they don't want to, it ends there when you're around them. Moan about corporate culture all you want, but you can have a pleasant work atmosphere without it being a frat house.