Luisfius: It's amazing trickery they did isn't it? It really, really looks 2d. Particularly in youtube captures (then again, with the compression, the trickery is even more impressive). There's a Ky vs Millia fight on youtube that looks like it could be out of GGXX at times, since the standing poses (and most of the attacks) have the exact same keyframes.
Yeah, that's one of the videos I've checked. I'm still not 100% sure, though, whether the characters are rendered in real-time at all times. They might just as well be pre-rendered sprites since the game does not seem to apply any perspective to them most of the time.
The devs are certainly extremely clever when it comes to this illusion, though. Assuming that the characters are at all times rendered in real-time: it's brilliant that they have limited the animation to keyframes rather than using interpolation as it is basically always done in 3D. That the amount of frames in the character animations is (nearly) the same as in the earlier games was one of the reasons why I was convinced that they are 2D sprites after all (outside of the obvious 3D sequences).
cw8: They are 3D models, just do an Ultra. :)
Yeah, the question was whether they are 3D models at all times. After looking at the stills that Luisfius linked to it's rather clear, yes.