Shaaka: Well lol yeah, still if i think carefully, being a lurker is maybe derived from my personality, i'm a bit introverted mind you, still yeah a good advice, I do feel i need to be more open and outgoing. Nevertheless it is not an easy jump but i'll try to change my perspective bit by bit.
When it's documented it is a feature - not a bug, lol!
Besides, whether you do think being introverted, shy, reserved - or reverse - is just a matter of being one, or another methinks. And being self-aware enough allows any of us to transcend our most comfortable position, or maybe just about to reach our cap..
I would qualify myself reserved per default, as such, but also would have OP'ed a flamethrower sort of a thread,, and I do admit that the backlash was possibly more than I could handle then. But fine it was done, too.
But also, awalterj and I mostly see not eye to eye in these fora - which is okei - yet we both find it unfortunate, it seems; that so few of the posts here are outside EU-North America..
So, there. ;-)