Posted December 02, 2014

Angel of Review
Registered: Oct 2011
From United States

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From Sweden
Posted December 03, 2014
Today's music

New User
Registered: Sep 2012
From Australia
Posted December 03, 2014

1. Bleached Yule
2. Castaneous-colored Seed Vesicated in a Conflagration
3. Singular Yearning for the Twin Anterior Incisors
4. Righteous Darkness
5. Arrival Time2400 hrs - WeatherCloudless
6. Loyal Followers Advance
7. Far Off in a Feeder
8. Array the Corridor
9. Bantam Male Percussionist
10. Monarchial Triad
11. Nocturnal Noiselessness
12. Jehovah Deactivate Blithe Chevaliers
13. Red Man En Route to Borough
14. Frozen Precipitation Commence
15. Proceed and Enlighten on the Pinnacle
16. The Quadruped with the Vermillion Probiscis
17. Query Regarding Identity of Descendant
18. Delight for this Planet
19. Give Attention to the Melodious Celestial Beings
20. The Dozen Festive 24 Hour Intervals

But it is not so unusual for me, i am the kind of person that takes things as they sound in exactly correct English, hence there are practically no songs in existence where i know the correct words just by hearing the singers pathetic attempt at pronouncing the words in English. .... and there are consequences, especially now i have a 3 year old daughter, and the other day there was some horrible swearing rap song on the radio and I'm sitting there swinging away to the beat perfectly happy then my wife comes in screaming, "what are you letting her listen too" and suddenly i'm like "oh, their speaking English what??" (red face). Then if i really concentrate very hard, i can actually detect a bit of English in there somewhere!

Us motorists here in Australia, we seem to annoy the RTA (roads and traffic authority) just by the fact that we exist, and i get the distinct impression they would be much happier if there were no vehicles on the roads at all!
As for the worst and best places i have driven, well, withing Australia the worst place to drive that i found was Parramatta in Sydney, mainly because of the horrifically idiotic design of the place. But the place with the worst drivers is easily Cabramatta, also in Sydney. Now i am not racist, but i have to say, from my experience, Asians just don't know how to drive.... i wonder were they thinking of Asian drivers back when they made the squinty eyes of cartoon Character Mr Magoo, because fxxk me, they really do drive around with their eyes shut!!!!!!!!!!!

So one day, I asked my Japanese collegue, rather toll for a japanese guy (coming from the mountains), and he said: That's because of those little bastards, they need them, as they are too short too recognise the length of their own car.......
I was only ROTFLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, it is not their eyes, it is their shortage of .......whatever....... ;)
Post edited December 03, 2014 by mystikmind2000

Old Fat User
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted December 03, 2014
Kind of long, but funny.
Woman gets a new, super fast sports car, so she decides to have some fun with the cops. So she speeds up to 70MPH and a motorcycle cop gives chase. Just as he's about to catch up, she presses the accelerator and ups her speed to 90MPH.
Once again the motorcycle cop is about to catch her, so she presses the accelerator more and speeds up to 115MPH. Once again the cop gains on her and now, fearing she may be caught, she floors the thing. Off she goes leaving the cop behind.
After some time and no more cop she turned around and went back to see what had happened. She found the cop badly hurt, laying in a ditch with the bike crashed to bits. So she asked what happened.
"Well, that last time I almost caught you, when you pulled away from me so fast I thought my motorcycle had stopped. So I got off to see what happened."
Woman gets a new, super fast sports car, so she decides to have some fun with the cops. So she speeds up to 70MPH and a motorcycle cop gives chase. Just as he's about to catch up, she presses the accelerator and ups her speed to 90MPH.
Once again the motorcycle cop is about to catch her, so she presses the accelerator more and speeds up to 115MPH. Once again the cop gains on her and now, fearing she may be caught, she floors the thing. Off she goes leaving the cop behind.
After some time and no more cop she turned around and went back to see what had happened. She found the cop badly hurt, laying in a ditch with the bike crashed to bits. So she asked what happened.
"Well, that last time I almost caught you, when you pulled away from me so fast I thought my motorcycle had stopped. So I got off to see what happened."
Post edited December 03, 2014 by OldFatGuy

New User
Registered: Sep 2012
From Australia
Posted December 03, 2014

Woman gets a new, super fast sports car, so she decides to have some fun with the cops. So she speeds up to 70MPH and a motorcycle cop gives chase. Just as he's about to catch up, she presses the accelerator and ups her speed to 90MPH.
Once again the motorcycle cop is about to catch her, so she presses the accelerator more and speeds up to 115MPH. Once again the cop gains on her and now, fearing she may be caught, she floors the thing. Off she goes leaving the cop behind.
After some time and no more cop she turned around and went back to see what had happened. She found the cop badly hurt, laying in a ditch with the bike crashed to bits. So she asked what happened.
"Well, that last time I almost caught you, when you pulled away from me so fast I thought my motorcycle had stopped. So I got off to see what happened."
1) Cyclist wearing leotards cut him off
2) Bus pulled out from a bus stop not caring what was coming.
3) Taxi.... did something arrogant and stupid, take your pick!
4) Truck pulling out from truck stop or driveway. Did you know the traffic on the main road is supposed to give way to them? NOT!
5) Some old fart in a luxury vehicle such as a Mercedes, pulled out from a driveway or side street without giving way.... Oh My God, does that really happen, really, ??? (extreme sarcasm alert)
6) Some moron thought it was a good idea to let their dog to run loose on the streets.
7) A very good parking spot became available and in the ensuing panic to get the spot, the Cop was knocked off his bike.
8) One of those fast walking pedestrians baulked the cop by doing that thing they do,,, you know the type, pretending to step out onto the road and then stepping back again.
9) Some idiot with some irrelevant problem wanted to talk to the cop by jumping in front of him to wave him down!
10) Huge pothole in the road (adjust up to number 1 according to geographical location)

Likes Potatoes
Registered: Nov 2012
From United States
Posted December 03, 2014
How is a wet floor like music?
If you don't C-sharp, you'll B-flat.
If you don't C-sharp, you'll B-flat.

New User
Registered: Nov 2014
From United States
Posted December 03, 2014
Q. Which horseman of the Apocalypse has the smelliest trousers?
A. War. War never changes.
A. War. War never changes.

New User
Registered: Sep 2012
From Australia
Posted December 04, 2014
You should never allow yourself to become excessively bored in a boat, or you might go 'overbored'
Why did the old man retire? To replace the flat one
Why did the old man retire? To replace the flat one

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From Sweden
Posted December 04, 2014
My brother Keith once told me that...
Ellis, not now honey.
Ellis, not now honey.

New User
Registered: Sep 2012
From Australia
Posted December 04, 2014
Under what circumstances does the term 'not right now' mean 'forever'
Answer.. when married, spoken by the wife, when going to bed at night!
Answer.. when married, spoken by the wife, when going to bed at night!

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From Sweden

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted December 04, 2014
Okay, so a naked blonde woman walks into a bar. She has a poodle under one arm and a two foot salami under the other. The bartender says, "I guess you won't be needing a drink." Naked lady says- *BANG* *Flop*

New User
Registered: Sep 2012
From Australia
Posted December 04, 2014

Answer.. when married, spoken by the wife, when going to bed at night!

Why do women get married? It is a worldwide conspiracy to reduce the amount of sex men get as much as possible!
Edit: and for the free houses they get after the men crack under the pressure of no sex.
Post edited December 04, 2014 by mystikmind2000

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted December 04, 2014
Wow, I think you guys are meeting the wrong women. I get more married than I ever did single. And my wife is the one that works. I stay at home with the kids (thus my ability to be on the forum as much as I am).

New User
Registered: Sep 2012
From Australia
Posted December 04, 2014

Why do women get married? It is a worldwide conspiracy to reduce the amount of sex men get as much as possible!
Edit: and for the free houses they get after the men crack under the pressure of no sex.

Edit: It is not that all these women don't have sex drives at all, it is like, when your at home comfortable, and feel a little bit like having a drink of Cola but your not quite sure it is worth getting up and walking to the kitchen..... this is exactly what most women's sex drive is like.
Post edited December 04, 2014 by mystikmind2000