MaxFulvus: Girls, what do you think of games which show woman as a sexual character (girls from Larry...) or focusing on a sexy character (Bloodrayne, Heavy Metal Fakk 2, Bayonetta...) ?
Too sexist for you or just a brilliant commercial idea ?
I've never played Larry, but from what I've seen, I find it hillarious. It never even crossed my mind that it would be offensive in any way.
Games with sexy characters, obviously created for the "male gaze" are games I avoid =/
I can't take a game seriously if I see sluts wearing bikinis and high heels on the battlefield, and for me immersion is a very important part in a game.
The amount of MMOS having soft porn adavertisements is..... disturbing. On the other hand, when it comes to a game like this I always say: "If they are desperately trying to sell this game with boobs, it meas they most possibly have nothing else of value in this game at all. Shitty story, shitty characters, shitty everything... but hey "let's try to sell it with boobs!"". Even if it's not true, this is the first thing that pops in my mind.
I remember playing Mass Effect 2, where I was forced to stare at Miranda's ass almost every single time I talked to her -.- An ass is covering half my screen.... I wanted to vomit. Especially after I learned that many male players thought that "finding a way to bang Miranda" is much more important than the actual gameplay.
Almost forgot:
In the Facebook page of Dragon Age 3 there was a girl who commented on how DAI is the only RPG worth waiting for. A guy commented that The Witcher 3 is coming as well. She immediately stated that the Witcher is a "fuckin' sexist piece of garbage", and she doesn't even want to touch it. It is obviously sexist because: you can't play as a girl, and you can have sex with girls.
No comment, seriously. There were many people who tried to talk sense into her, but it was all in vain =/
I myself like the Witcher. I can't think of it as an RPG, because I can't roleplay as a guy, but I enjoy playing it. And I didn't find naked-Triss (another argument of hers), and sex scenes to be offensive at all.
What I do find offensife? Painfully naive and oversensitive female characters, and damsels in distress. Oh c'mon..... -.-