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F1ach: I don't really think of people on forums as male/female, if I am unsure I usually say "they" or "you" if I am speaking about them or addressing them directly, respectively.

If I did in error refer to someone in the wrong gender, I would be delighted to be corrected, bad enough getting something wrong once without getting something wrong constantly, so yeah correct me please.

Dunno why anyone would care if you are male or female on a forum cos either way, nobody will ever know for sure.
Crewdroog: This is true. For all you know I'm really a 13 y/o boy with nothing better to do :)
I KNEW IT!!!!!!

You were that kid smashing up your keyboard on CoD!!!! :)
Crewdroog: This is true. For all you know I'm really a 13 y/o boy with nothing better to do :)
F1ach: I KNEW IT!!!!!!

You were that kid smashing up your keyboard on CoD!!!! :)
Crewdroog: This is true. For all you know I'm really a 13 y/o boy with nothing better to do :)
F1ach: I KNEW IT!!!!!!

You were that kid smashing up your keyboard on CoD!!!! :)
saith32: Having a kid is pretty cool to me. Yeah there's moments to where it can get frustrating but overall having a kid is awesome. For me anyways.
Crewdroog: Yeah, I just never have had the desire for them. My maternal clock is broken or something. But, I'll be an awesome aunt! :) buy them toys that make the noise, stuff 'em full of candy then send them back to my sister.
My best advice as a parent is you will never be ready to be a parent until you hold Your child for the first time. Only then will you realize what it is like. That or babysit a kid for about 3 years straight uninterrupted you might get the feeling I'm talking about.
F1ach: I don't really think of people on forums as male/female, if I am unsure I usually say "they" or "you" if I am speaking about them or addressing them directly, respectively.

If I did in error refer to someone in the wrong gender, I would be delighted to be corrected, bad enough getting something wrong once without getting something wrong constantly, so yeah correct me please.

Dunno why anyone would care if you are male or female on a forum cos either way, nobody will ever know for sure.
I agree with this as well. I usually leave gender out of it out of a weird form of respect. Usually when I reply to someone, I use their username first. Then, I follow that up with "you" or "this person". I feel revealing one's gender is a personal choice and one that shouldn't be assumed unless you have distinct evidence they revealed it on their own accord at some point. If it is assumed though, it should be up to the person to either go with it or correct them as they see fit. As a guy, I never have been referred to as a girl so far with my online presence, but if that were to happen I would correct them if it became an ongoing pronoun to define me. Why the correction? I'd rather they get their facts straight if it's about me personally, since I identify as a guy. If it were some off hand comment that wasn't consistent though, I suppose it'd be mood based if it bugged me enough at the time. Also, some people tend to use pronouns like guy or guys as a more gender neutral way to refer to someone from my experience. Reflecting more into this topic, I looked at this wiki page, maybe it might be useful to look at:

So yeah, from a male perspective, I don't know what to say other than either correcting them or go with it as needed. Visual cues and representative words in the profile could help one imply a gender, but in the end it's just a guessing game, and stereotypically one assumes the male gender as a default I suppose unless stated definitively otherwise.

Edit: I took way to long to post this, I didn't even see all the new replies that popped up and hucklebarry's post is pretty similar to mine so please don't consider this post #rehash or anything! *Subtle south park reference there!
Post edited December 04, 2014 by shadowrgog
Crewdroog: So, is it better to correct or just say f- it and let people call you whatever they want? Guys, if people were calling you a girl (in a not mean way), would you correct them? Have you corrected them?
I will call you a bear o.O
Getting back on topic though, if it bothers you when called the opposite gender then say something. I wouldn't want yall calling me princess or her or she.
shadowrgog: some people tend to use pronouns like guy or guys as a more gender neutral way to refer to someone from my experience.
Yup, that is how I have always understand that term. Guys is a group of people (to me). But I have tried to replace it with "Folks". I love that word! ;)
Crewdroog: This is true. For all you know I'm really a 13 y/o boy with nothing better to do :)
I knew it!


I have no problem being corrected. If I have an extra second I try to not address people as males unless they've said something that makes me think they are.
Go ahead and make the correction. We choose screen names, avatars, and 'titles' to help identify ourselves around here, and gender is certainly a part of identity - regardless of the bigger socio-political blah blah of the whole can of worms.

And in this big forum sausage-fest, it's nice to be reminded that the female perspective - if it can be stereotyped into such a simple, singular thing - is represented.

Anyway, rock on lady game players! I only wish my wife were one of them.
Actually i've done that mistake here on this forum and was corrected, from that point on (unless i already know the gender) i always put she/he, her/him, etc. I think it's ok and not "bitchy" (using your word, don't hit me) to correct people in that regard, just don't take it personally when someone makes that mistake, most people are used to having a majority of male gaming audience on forums.

But do you know what bothers me? When the male audience becomes this disgusting fedora romantic creep when he founds out a girl gamer, it's so cringe worthy... Here's a true story: My name on league of legends is ºApothecaryº and i main the support role so there was this guy that we were playing starting to flirt with me, at first i thought that he was joking but then i realized that he actually thought i was girl... Well, that was an embarrassing moment, not that we played much with him but eventually he stopped accepting our invites to play.
Post edited December 04, 2014 by Cyraxpt
Crewdroog: When I first joined on gog, I really didn't care if people thought I was a boy. Hell, my name isn't feminine and I had a banksy pic and later one of trent reznor as my avatar. Then ddickinson had her "girls GA" and talk got going about girls in gaming and how we are underrepresented and thought of as "casual".

I started thinking, was my not correcting people who called me "him" adding to this? Would a guy have corrected someone if they said he was a girl? I watched posts and found that guys did correct. I then began correcting people and even changed my tag under my avatar to "miss not sir".

I feel like I'm being a bitch when I do it because it's something I really never cared about, but at the same time, I feel like by NOT correcting, I'm adding to the "there are no female gamers" nonsense. Well, as in no female gamers that aren't casual.

So, is it better to correct or just say f- it and let people call you whatever they want? Guys, if people were calling you a girl (in a not mean way), would you correct them? Have you corrected them?
I couldn't resist replying:

The only question is, does it bother you ;)

The wonderfull thing about the english language and a place like here is: YOU and THE, no genderspecific version needed.

And as lot of the language is comming from the old days when ONLY NERDS existed, so no NERDin as far as I know ;), it doesn't really matter IMHO.

So again, if you are not bothered being addressed wrong, why should it bother me, come on man!!!! (wouldn't work the other way round.....)

Or think of in a gamerchat, your opponent just wiped the floor with you and they would say: Take it like a woman????? Just hilarious, or?

SO in my eyes it doesn't really matter, we are all part of the community and human race and hence being equal. *hug* ;)
shadowrgog: some people tend to use pronouns like guy or guys as a more gender neutral way to refer to someone from my experience.
hucklebarry: Yup, that is how I have always understand that term. Guys is a group of people (to me). But I have tried to replace it with "Folks". I love that word! ;)
Yeah, "guys" is like "dude". gender neutral. Well, at least in Canada. South Park taught us that. ;)
Cyraxpt: But do you know what bothers me? When the male audience becomes this disgusting fedora romantic creep when he founds out a girl gamer, it's so cringe worthy... Here's a true story: My name on league of legends is ºApothecaryº and i main the support role so there was this guy that we were playing starting to flirt with me, at first i thought that he was joking but then i realized that he actually thought i was girl... Well, that was an embarrassing moment, not that we played much with him but eventually he stopped accepting our invites to play.
Yeah, on TSW I have 2 male and one female character, nobody has ever flirted with my male characters but this guy (I guess?) started with my female character asking do I RP, I said not really as I never really did it before , but he started all this creepy shit about taking my small delicate female hand in his hard callused blacksmith hand and it just spiralled downward from there, it was really fecking creepy....This has never happened with any other female character I had in a MMO, but it was quite embarrassing.
Post edited December 04, 2014 by F1ach
Cyraxpt: Actually i've done that mistake here on this forum and was corrected, from that point on (unless i already know the gender) i always put she/he, her/him, etc. I think it's ok and not "bitchy" (using your word, don't hit me) to correct people in that regard, just don't take it personally when someone makes that mistake, most people are used to having a majority of male gaming audience on forums.

But do you know what bothers me? When the male audience becomes this disgusting fedora romantic creep when he founds out a girl gamer, it's so cringe worthy... Here's a true story: My name on league of legends is ºApothecaryº and i main the support role so there was this guy that we were playing starting to flirt with me, at first i thought that he was joking but then i realized that he actually thought i was girl... Well, that was an embarrassing moment, not that we played much with him but eventually he stopped accepting our invites to play.
Yeah I don't understand the gamer guy wanting a gamer girl thing my wife hates video games so i don't have to share:D