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Cyraxpt: Actually i've done that mistake here on this forum and was corrected, from that point on (unless i already know the gender) i always put she/he, her/him, etc. I think it's ok and not "bitchy" (using your word, don't hit me) to correct people in that regard, just don't take it personally when someone makes that mistake, most people are used to having a majority of male gaming audience on forums.

But do you know what bothers me? When the male audience becomes this disgusting fedora romantic creep when he founds out a girl gamer, it's so cringe worthy... Here's a true story: My name on league of legends is ºApothecaryº and i main the support role so there was this guy that we were playing starting to flirt with me, at first i thought that he was joking but then i realized that he actually thought i was girl... Well, that was an embarrassing moment, not that we played much with him but eventually he stopped accepting our invites to play.
Crewdroog: Wait, support role? you mean like a healer? LOL he assumed you were a girl cause you played a healer. Actually, I could see that be frustrating for a guy who likes playing healers.

I had a similar problem in WoW. I had just started playing and joined a guild. Eventually they convinced me to go on voice chat, where they realized I was a girl. One member got super creepy with me and I had to leave. It worked out though, cause it was through that encounter I discovered how awesome the Horde was.

Did you just call me bitchy? I will now destroy you with... tomatoes... *throws tomato* ;)
Dude*, that reminds me of Guild Wars. I always played girls in GW b/c I didn't have a tank and you were actually harder to click on if you were short and the shortest person was a girl. So I had two girl main characters. With my ranger, I could actually hide inside of my bear, making it impossible to click me. So you had to tab through the whole team to select me. Good times. But completely irrelevant.

What is relevant is that in my thriving guild, we had a few stand-out players (me not being one of them -- I relied on hiding inside of my bear. That's not exactly "skill."). And they would lead other players through really tough areas or teach us good strategies.

My guild leader was a guy down the road. He was maybe 28-30 years old. I was in my low-mid 20s (23, 24ish) and most of the guys I played with were 20-40 years old, with an occasional teenager. It was amazing how different the skills were of those who were young and those who were old. The 30-year-old guys were far better at the game than the 16-year-olds, which was the opposite of what I'd expect.

One day, our guild leader buys a Teamspeak server. And this day happens to be a guided tour through some horrible underworld or something. And our tour-guide is a well-known super-awesome take-down-a-whole-guild-on-his-own badass.

Badass 10 year old, I should say. Or maybe 11. Definitely not puberty yet. I was shocked to know that one of my hero players was a teeny tiny kid. We picked on him and he held up real well. "Shut up or I'll leave you to die," would be things he'd say. And he had the power, so we did. :)

It was one of my first great lessons of the Internet being the great equalizer. Ender's Game touches on it with Valentine an Peter using it to become president of the world as a child, but it's sort of true. You can be only your actions on the Internet and nothing else. No rotted tooth, bad-hair-day, lazy-eye or fungal infection matters.

I don't blame women for being silent, but I wish they weren't. If there really are that many of them out there, I'd say "Speak!" Pretty much every system and game has a mute button now. Mute the idiots and they'll get the point.

But also, finding a date is hard when you're a WoW addict. So, you know, lead them on and then maybe let them drive to "your" doorstep in Iqaluit, and then he'll get the point that maybe he needs to ask girls he knows IRL on dates.

*Yep. On purpose.
Post edited December 04, 2014 by Tallima
I'm pretty open about the fact that I'm a woman, so there hasn't been a lot of confusion so far. Of course, in the past I also tended to visit forums that had mostly female users. If someone addresses me as a he, I will often point it out, unless it doesn't feel relevant at all (and, as has been mentioned before, if I think I'll likely not talk with that person again). Like crewdroog mentioned, I have this little feminist voice that won't shut up, and I don't want it to either. It's free to stay, especially since so many women these days appear to think that being a feminist is equal to hating men and being evil in general. Well, it's not.

And I've had the creepy flirting thing in MMO's as well. Random guys who start complimenting your avatar and then ask questions about what you are like in real life.
Crewdroog: And nice to see ya, evilnancy! I feel like I haven't in a long time.
I'm still lurking about, poking my head in the threads that aren't giveaways, hashtag drama or plain old neckbearding--threads like these! :)

I have been managing a nascent community of my own and it keeps me rather busy when I am online.
FearfulSymmetry: And I've had the creepy flirting thing in MMO's as well. Random guys who start complimenting your avatar and then ask questions about what you are like in real life.
I used to think the creepy guy thing in games was an exaggerated stereotype... Until I started grouping with real life female friends. Its ridiculous how donning a dress can turn some weirdos into even weirdo weirdos. Just for fun, I created a female toon to further see what all the fuss was about and I can clearly see the harassment level increase when I'm on a female toon. Although, the most harassment I ever get is from being logged on simply as a healer. People have no shame in begging for heals ;)

To be fair, I've seen some creepy girls flirt at anyone they knew for sure was a guy... but its been very rare in comparison.

What cracks me up is the number of guys I know that roll female toons. (which also goes back to the gender confusion based on avatar/name). If these kids had any clue... ;)
FearfulSymmetry: And I've had the creepy flirting thing in MMO's as well. Random guys who start complimenting your avatar and then ask questions about what you are like in real life.
hucklebarry: What cracks me up is the number of guys I know that roll female toons. (which also goes back to the gender confusion based on avatar/name). If these kids had any clue... ;)
This. I had one pretty funny (in some ways, sad in others) conversation with this guy who started flirting with me, only to suddenly ask: you ARE a girl, right? Would have been hilarious if I'd been a guy.
Well, if someone called me "her" I would correct him or her. Not because of "How dare you call me that!" but quite simply because I am a male.
hucklebarry: What cracks me up is the number of guys I know that roll female toons. (which also goes back to the gender confusion based on avatar/name). If these kids had any clue... ;)
FearfulSymmetry: This. I had one pretty funny (in some ways, sad in others) conversation with this guy who started flirting with me, only to suddenly ask: you ARE a girl, right? Would have been hilarious if I'd been a guy.
Crewdroog: I now have this awesome picture of you, sitting on huge cushions, surrounded by tribute in a tent like some sort of sultan of the wastes. You look spectacular!
Still working on the huge cushions, tribute and tent part.