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Namur: 1 - Overclocked
2 - Overclocked
3 - Overclocked
Yes, it really was/is that bad.

Really? I 've been tempted to get it but I don't feel like paying $20 for it. Maybe $15 or $10 :P I heard reviews were good for it. Then again, Tunguska got bad reviews but I loved it.
Just so we're on the same page, you are referring to the Overclocked adventure game, right?
Axaran: Man I'd forgotten Rise of the Robots, got in on release day and even as young as I was I very quickly realised it was garbage.

If you think that was bad, the sequel was even worse. The only redeeming factor to it was the fact that it had multiple characters to choose this time, but they all sucked. I rented it for Playstation years ago with Loaded. Guess which game I spent more time on.
Post edited December 15, 2009 by Wraith
Namur: 1 - Overclocked
2 - Overclocked
3 - Overclocked
Yes, it really was/is that bad.
Wraith: Really? I 've been tempted to get it but I don't feel like paying $20 for it. Maybe $15 or $10 :P I heard reviews were good for it. Then again, Tunguska got bad reviews but I loved it.
Just so we're on the same page, you are referring to the Overclocked adventure game, right?
Axaran: Man I'd forgotten Rise of the Robots, got in on release day and even as young as I was I very quickly realised it was garbage.

If you think that was bad, the sequel was even worse. The only redeeming factor to it was the fact that it had multiple characters to choose this time, but they all sucked. I rented it for Playstation years ago with Loaded. Guess which game I spent more time on.

I was not aware that there was a ROTR 2, I might have to look it up. Loaded was indeed good though.
Axaran: I was not aware that there was a ROTR 2, I might have to look it up. Loaded was indeed good though.

Rise 2: Ressurection. This time you could jump.
OdinM1: Fallout 1+2
Both were clunky, incoherent messes with retarded time limits, worthless quest logs and a boring overworld. The only redeemable qualities were the combat and character development.
I'm probably going to get reamed by the "Church of Fallout" for saying that.

I'm playing through fallout 1 for the first time right now, and I'm a little confused. Admittedly I'm not very far into it, but so far it seems pretty much as you described, except I can't see any merits in the combat either. Isn't this game supposed to have great writing/humor? When does that part kick in?
I love the idea of perks though... that's the only thing i've enjoyed so far. I'll keep plugging away though and wait for the magic to kick in. (it did at least improve a tiny bit after i stopped killing rats.)
Wolfox: My top 3: Oblivion, Jade Empire, and an old game called Rise of the Robots.
Axaran: Man I'd forgotten Rise of the Robots, got in on release day and even as young as I was I very quickly realised it was garbage.

I'm sorry I helped you remember it. That's the kind of game that should be forgotten. My apologies. ;-)
Ha, no need to apologise. It actually makes me laugh now thinking about how bad it was.
Wraith: Really? I 've been tempted to get it but I don't feel like paying $20 for it. Maybe $15 or $10 :P I heard reviews were good for it. Then again, Tunguska got bad reviews but I loved it.
Just so we're on the same page, you are referring to the Overclocked adventure game, right?

Yeah mate, unfortunately i do mean that Overclocked.
It was a huge let down, even more so because i was tracking the game for a while.
Some SPOILERS BELOW, maybe...
I pretty much hated everything about it. The world felt real small and empty, the lack of interaction put me off big time, the story felt somewhat cliched, not to mention boring and convoluted (the flashback/flashforward sequences implementation didn't helped there), the game felt unpolished (the pda interface and how it kept track of audio files was real bad, and i had a couple of minor gripes with hotspots that should've been disabled after becoming irrelevant), the dialogues felt awkward and weird, (i don't know if the game was developped in German and then translated, maybe that was the problem), i hated David right from the get go and things only went downhill on account of his dilemmas, behaviour and reactions, specially those reactions related to anything regarding his wife, which were ridiculous and over the top, the bar scene made me want to puke, it was complete nonsense, the deer scene made me want to hit someone (preferably someone from the dev team), the graphics were supposed to be awesome, they didn't do much for me and the animations were adequate at best, and i could go on...
Bottomline, probably the only adventure game, and i've playd buckets of them, that didn't delivered anything i could enjoy, thus the dissapointment.
But some people seem to have liked it, so you should probably wait for the price drop and try it out yourself.
Oh, and i also liked Tunguska very much, and i really didn't mind Nina's VA ;)
Wishbone: Spore. Most disappointing game ever.
This. As a result of this burn I refuse to spend $50 on any game that isn't by a developer I completely trust.
Delixe: Rise 2: Ressurection. This time you could jump.

The most game changing technological achievement in a fighting game for them :P
1. Republic: The Revolution
A completely different game than what was announced and hyped.
2. Deus Ex: Invisible War
It had a poor story compared to the first game. The world felt shallow, and the atmosphere never gelled. The small levels slathered in bloom didn't help either.
3. Hmm... maybe Civilization 3
It took a while for me to realize that the system just didn't work and the AI was mainly designed to gang up on the player.
anjohl: 2) Deus Ex. Held by so many as the ultimate game, for me the terrible controls and archaic engine render it unplayable. Likely a victim of my "has to be played initially while it's current tech" theory.

If you're concerned with the controls and rendering engine, I don't think Deus Ex would have been a game for you even when it was new. People complained about its controls and graphics back then too.
Post edited December 15, 2009 by Syme
CaptainGyro: Yoshi's Story is my pick for most disappointing game ever, I can't think of anything else at the moment

Yeah. This was Nintendo's biggest F.U. directed at older gamers that wanted a half-way decent 2d side-scroller for the N64.
Glic2003: Well, I didn't play it until about 4 years after it came out. So that can't be me ;-)
Still, I thought it was amazing, if not quite as polished as tie-fighter (which i played first).
I've never really enjoyed any of the Wing Commander games to be honest. I played a bit of WC2 cos I got it free with my PC, but I could never get into any of the 3d ones. Terrible flight model mostly.
Glic2003: Exactly. It seemed like the people who liked X-Wing the most were the ones who weren't really that into Wing Commander. The two games represented very different approaches to the same genre: the flashy, movie-like game versus the drier, more "simulation" style game.
Considering X-Wing was based on a movie, I guess I expected it to be even more movie-like than Wing Commander! How ironic that it was less...

I agree with you totally on the perspective thing. For me, I was the opposite; X-wing was one of my first and most fondly remembered games as a child. I "discovered" WC 1&2 some time later and was disappointed in it. I think it was the jarring of going from 3D to 2.5D. That said, once I found Privateer, both X-wing and WC paled in comparison to it. Aside from Oolite, I've never found a worthy successor to Privateer (well maybe i-war2). With that in mind my most disappointing games were:
Privateer 2 - The whole atmosphere of the game seemed.... fake. It was hard to really get immersed in the game. Long distance travel was huge pain. Enemy AI consisted of playing chicken... every time. The universe seemed empty and bland. Couldn't get into the story. Sad thing is, there were a lot of interesting ideas introduced into the gameplay. Just poor execution maybe?
Batllecruiser 3000AD (eh screw it - the entire series) - Ok, its 1995; WC and the Xwing series are in full swing and this game comes along and offers a dynamic universe to trade and explore in. And oh yeah - your commanding a Battle cruiser complete with troops, fighters, and the kitchen sink! However, buggy, poor execution, crude graphics, poor UI, no story, overly complicated, non existent AI, and a bland universe, totally squashed all of the potential that existed in the game. Ditto for the sequels.
Morrowind - I love this game. In fact, I have over 90 mods hand-tweaked for my system. Then I realized, all the mods, hacks, etc, I had were essentially trying to bring back the awesomeness of Daggerfall and Arena. Morrowind lost the epic scale of the previous games. The sprawling cities, huge country sides, Labyrinth Dungeons, secret cults - all gone. Its a great game, but coming from the same cloth as TES I + II, I guess I expected a bigger/better scope and depth. I like playing it, but I never feel satisfied. I guess my expectations were too high.
denyasis: Batllecruiser 3000AD (eh screw it - the entire series) - Ok, its 1995; WC and the Xwing series are in full swing and this game comes along and offers a dynamic universe to trade and explore in. And oh yeah - your commanding a Battle cruiser complete with troops, fighters, and the kitchen sink! However, buggy, poor execution, crude graphics, poor UI, no story, overly complicated, non existent AI, and a bland universe, totally squashed all of the potential that existed in the game. Ditto for the sequels.

Oh, how could I forget Battlecruiser 3000AD? That was my number 1 disappointment, without doubt. I even imported the game at additional cost, so excited I was with Derek's promises - only to find a buggy mess, that wasn't fixed even after many patches.
I tried to like it. I tried to see the potential behind it. In the end, though, I had to realize that I had slammed my face in the door, metaphorically speaking. And I moved on, never to play a Derek Smart game again.
Wolfox: I tried to like it. I tried to see the potential behind it. In the end, though, I had to realize that I had slammed my face in the door, metaphorically speaking. And I moved on, never to play a Derek Smart game again.

I shamefully admit I own BC3000 and BC:Millenium. Both crap. Sadly, I still wish for a game like that though. The lure is just too strong. I'm sure its possible, it would just require a lot of effort; more than the companies' already in the genre (ie Egosoft) have time/funds for...
Syme: 1. Republic: The Revolution
A completely different game than what was announced and hyped.
2. Deus Ex: Invisible War
It had a poor story compared to the first game. The world felt shallow, and the atmosphere never gelled. The small levels slathered in bloom didn't help either.
3. Hmm... maybe Civilization 3
It took a while for me to realize that the system just didn't work and the AI was mainly designed to gang up on the player.
anjohl: 2) Deus Ex. Held by so many as the ultimate game, for me the terrible controls and archaic engine render it unplayable. Likely a victim of my "has to be played initially while it's current tech" theory.

If you're concerned with the controls and rendering engine, I don't think Deus Ex would have been a game for you even when it was new. People complained about its controls and graphics back then too.

I have played games with as mature a storyline as DE that were much better, so the game came off to me as very generic. The other thing that my "current tech" theory explains so well is the fact that people tend to think of "important" games as being "good" games. This is not true. That's like saying that all Heavy metal fans *have* to like Black Sabbath.