Since I am a long Ubisoft fan and am active as an unlovable member in their forum pretty much, it's obvious for me that Ubisoft forces PC gamers to Next-Gen consoles.
It was already obvious that ACII wasn't released for PC on Christmas and been delayed on February for the reason to get the online activation tool ready and not how they state to "improve optimacy on the PC".
A similar dickery move happened with the new "Prince of Persia" (which I think it doesn't deserve this title) before. When the new DLC was released for PS3 and Xbox, the community asked for a PC-DLC.
But one little statement from a Community Mananger(who became pretty much a dick towards the users afterwards) no NEWS or anything which determined the future for PC:
"There won't be any DLC for PC due business reasons. Sorry guys!" It has really caused an outrage, and since then the communication between fans and developers is to be honest literally dead.
I read somewhere an interview with an executive that Ubisoft wants to become more like Square Enix, meaning focusing more on the consoles and overfagging the graphics at the highest rate. Read it, it's somewhere around.
Ubisoft is really aware of the issue, but don't care for the loss of buyers. More of them relying on the consoles, the better.
But you know what? Fuck this. I have been to long of a fan of Ubisoft games to drop their releases. I grew up with Beyond Good and Evil and Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell. I want to play the goddamn AC II aswell!
So I will just get the next games for the cheapest price somewhere in the UK, and then wait until a crack to remove the OAS(Online active system) will be released.
BTW, I made this pic due their once again honest dickery to not commercial their next Prince of Persia sequel due an agreement with Disney.
Because Ignorance and Greed did never bond so well.