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1 Weekend Promo, 2 fantastic franchises, 14 classic games, $26.91 for the complete collection, 100s of hours of unforgettable gaming

all games from Wing Commander and Ultima series available on are discounted by 50%. You have the chance to buy Wing Commander 4, or Ultima VII: the Complete Edition for only $2.99 until Monday, June 4 11:59 PM EDT.

Ultima is a series of fantasy RPGs created by Richard Garriott (a.k.a. Lord British more) than 30 years ago. The main story of Ultima universe, which takes place in the worlds of Sosaria and, later, Britannia, follows the unnamed protagonist (known only as the Stranger or later as the Avatar, an incarnation of virtue) through three “Ages”: The Age of Darkness (Ultima I-III), The Age of Enlightenment (Ultima IV-VI), and The Age of Armageddon (Ultima VII-IX). It’s one of the most influential RPG series, recognized for open-ended gameplay, in-depth morality system exploring mature themes like racism and xenophobia, and a rich and detailed world. Whether you want to try the original trilogy, visit thousands of colorful places and characters in Ultima 4+5+6, play through Ultima VII: The Complete Edition--arguably the best in series, find your way back home in Ultima VIII: Gold Edition or complete Ultima Underworld 1 and 2, the first first-person RPGs with true 3D environments, all these titles are available for only $2.99 this weekend on

Wing Commander is a series of 3D space combat simulators, described by the games’ creator Chris Roberts as "World War II in space.” In this series, you follow pilots of the Terran Confederation in their fight against the aggressive feline Kilrathi. Introduce yourself to the epic military space conflict in Wing Commander 1+2, play as Col. Christopher "Maverick" Blair (starred by Mark Hamill) and watch amazing FMV cut-scenes in Wing Commander 3: Heart of the Tiger, enjoy fast, action-packed, and varied space combat in the most expensive video game of its era Wing Commander: Privateer.

In addition to that, because the Wing Commander series plays so much better with a joystick, we’ve approached the guys from Logitech and they were kind enough to offer a few awesome Logitech Extreme™ 3D Pro joysticks to our users. Leave a comment below for a chance to win 1 of 3 logitech joysticks. You can also enter a similar joystick-winning contests on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

Become the Ultimate Commander (THE ULTIMMANDER!) and buy the complete collection of EA’s Most Famous Classic Series for only $26.91, this weekend on
Nice promo with a nice contest, Awesome
More controlling devices!
Count me in for the giveaway, please.
crazy_dave: I've used the joystick with DOSBox (and Freespace): works fine. You may need PPJoy (or use Logitech's program that comes with the stick or any other such program) to program buttons beyond the first couple since DOSBox only recognizes 2 (or maybe 4 I can't remember) buttons automatically. So you may have to program the rest outside of the game.
jamyskis: Well, that's an idea. I know that DOSBox will not recognise anything beyond the first two axis and first four buttons, but using PPJoy (I actually use Joy2Key out of habit) would probably solve that one. In fact, I think that's how I solved the problem with Mortal Kombat 3 back in the day :)
buttonwrap=false might help with some of your problems
Gilou: Joystick !!!!!!

Actually, assuming I don't win this compo (which I consider to be likely, given that I've never won a competition in my life), I may actually go out and pick up a decent joystick with a throttle at some point in the near future and get Flight Simulator X. Good as time as any I suppose.
crazy_dave: I've used the joystick with DOSBox (and Freespace): works fine. You may need PPJoy (or use Logitech's program that comes with the stick or any other such program) to program buttons beyond the first couple since DOSBox only recognizes 2 (or maybe 4 I can't remember) buttons automatically. So you may have to program the rest outside of the game.
jamyskis: Well, that's an idea. I know that DOSBox will not recognise anything beyond the first two axis and first four buttons, but using PPJoy (I actually use Joy2Key out of habit) would probably solve that one. In fact, I think that's how I solved the problem with Mortal Kombat 3 back in the day :)
Aye the Logetich stick also comes with its own program that should also do the trick, but if you're already using PPjoy/Joy2Key, then that should work just fine.
What a dilemma. I think I really shouldn't buy anything, I already own all the games (originals, not from GOG), and have finished many of them, without a real intention to (re)play any of them anymore (never say never).

But then, I have just the crummy CD-ROM version of Wing Commander 4, it would be kinda nice to have the DVD version too with sharper (but cheesy as ever) FMV?

And while we are at it, Wing Commander 3 had so many CDs IIRC, that it would be nice to have a CD-less version.

Oh and I seem to have problems to get my original Ultima 7 + expansions to run on DOSBox (the original game was qiute hard to get to run (remove any memory managers etc.), and this seems to be true also in DOSBox?), maybe the GOG version is so much more convenient, well worth a couple of bucks?

Oh and I am interested to see the GOG version of Ultima Underworlds too, as my versions were floppy versions. I have no idea if there is anything extra in the CD version.

Oh heck, why not buy them all why were are at it?
The guys at Logitech were pretty nice, please sign me in for the joystick comp
jamyskis: Well, that's an idea. I know that DOSBox will not recognise anything beyond the first two axis and first four buttons, but using PPJoy (I actually use Joy2Key out of habit) would probably solve that one. In fact, I think that's how I solved the problem with Mortal Kombat 3 back in the day :)
Qbix: buttonwrap=false might help with some of your problems
Aye I can't remember if GOG's DOSBox config automatically disables buttonwrap or not, but yeah if it doesn't then you're right, one would need to do so when using PPjoy/Joy2Key :)
Post edited June 01, 2012 by crazy_dave
What a nice thing for y'all to have done, and how generous of Logitech to provide you with the joysticks. I, myself, am especially stoked about the Ultima series being on sale. I won't have a chance to play them soon, but they have on my wishlist for quite a while!
Someone still makes joysticks? Huh. Good to know. In the meantime, I'd like to try to win a free one. :)
If I wanted to get just one from the Wing Commander series, which would be the best?
FFS, I bought WC4 just yesterday. AAARGH!
Seeing as how these are my two favorite game series of all time, I already bought all of them.

Still waiting for the rest of the games in each series to be released though. And I do mean all of them, even every single spin-off or side story.
Post edited June 01, 2012 by welverin
Nice games and Nice Joystick....