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The Bridgeburners :)
Messi_is_Messiah: rebel alliance ( not as many star wars fans as I would have guessed) Browncoats from firefly are pretty cool too.
I'm also surprised at the lack of Star Wars answers.

However, as anyone who has played "Tie Fighter" knows, it is far better to fly for the imperial Navy of the Galactic Empire. Nothing better than having star destroyers flying with you, rather than against you.

That is, if you manage to survive long enough to be promoted from the un-shielded basic Tie fighter!
Alfie3000: KISS Army
Me, too. Hoping to get issued a Love Gun.
whoops - ignore.... spoilers ahoy

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Post edited October 07, 2013 by amok
iippo: You fight in that country's army, to which youre born. I have yet to hear of anyone claiming that they were ask to which country they wish to born. It is healthy to ponder on this implications.
Yes, but none of that is relevant. Unless you are arguing they didn't need to be stopped? All I am saying is their actions had to be ended, and I would have fought to end them.
iippo: You fight in that country's army, to which youre born. I have yet to hear of anyone claiming that they were ask to which country they wish to born. It is healthy to ponder on this implications.
StingingVelvet: Yes, but none of that is relevant. Unless you are arguing they didn't need to be stopped? All I am saying is their actions had to be ended, and I would have fought to end them.
Personal opinions aside, as you probably know very well WW2 history - Finland and Nazi Germany were allied. From purely objectively view, Germans success was/would have been benefical to Finland. Had the nazis not helped Finland - delivered equipment and soldiers alike, there is fair certain chance i would be speaking russian atm. I am grateful i can speak my own language in my own country and instead have the chance to voluntarily study it if i so choose.

I have nothing against russian people btw. All that WW2 stuff is "old" and i have zero grudge about that (some older folks still do - some for russians and some for germans who burned Lapland though). Just pointing out the obvious historical facts.

So had i lived in WW2 Finland i would have definitely objected that view of yours.


Back to topic: the earlier mentioned Bridgeburners would have been rather epic choice.
s23021536: I didn't see anyone mentioning the Adeptus Astartes. Glad to see you're all sane...
Oh, an aspect warrior if anything. Eldar value their troops.
iippo: So had i lived in WW2 Finland i would have definitely objected that view of yours.
Both sides committed atrocities, especially toward the end. War is an ugly business. I'm really not trying to tell you every German at the time was evil and every American or Russian was a saint. I know that is FAR from true. Morality is never so simple.

All I am saying is the aggressive acts of invading Poland and other countries afterward, and the attempt to exterminate the Jewish population, were horrible atrocities I would have fought to stop. Funny enough Poland ended up being taken by Russia anyway, of course... such is the twisted world we live in.
s23021536: I didn't see anyone mentioning the Adeptus Astartes. Glad to see you're all sane...
Fenixp: Oh, an aspect warrior if anything. Eldar value their troops.
Perhaps, but then again I wouldn't want to be on any side that has to face the space marines ;)
or any faction in 40k for that matter... It might be fun to be a high ranking tech priest on a Forgeworld tho
s23021536: I didn't see anyone mentioning the Adeptus Astartes. Glad to see you're all sane...
Fenixp: Oh, an aspect warrior if anything. Eldar value their troops.
Speaking of WH40k, joining the ranks of Adeptus Titanicus and taking a Emperor class Battle titan out for a stroll would probably be kind cool. 'ware tiny mechwarriors!

Then again being a captain of capital space ship in the Imperial Navy wouldnt be too shabby either. But if speaking of rank and file level, the Tau have probably the most "humane" level of living and government.
What ever military force would allow me to be as far away from the front line as possible and survive to a very ripe old age.
Starfleet would be great, but you have to wear one of those red shirts to begin and we all know that doesn't end very well.
The Rebel Alliance has a lot of those X-Wing pilots get blown to pieces. Although, it's nice when you shoot first and the footage gets doctored to suggest you didn't and were just defending yourself. And then there is Jar Jar, a gay robot that complains all the time, and another Robot that you can't understand what it's saying.
The Empire has to put up with a weird looking dude that shoots lightning bolts and the black guy made to look white in a black suit strangling people from across the room.
Browncoats would be truly hell with all the apple bombs, can someone eat a piece of fruit without getting blown up there.
Starship Troopers - I would stay very far away from gigantic bugs. I have a problem with normal size bugs, but gigantic bugs that impale you, no thank you.
I would join with Garm Bel Iblis and later the New Republic and fight the Empire!
I'd join the Navy as depicted in the games Harpoon 1-3 and Red Storm Rising, except I already did that once.
sauvignon1: If you could join any fictional military, what would it be? It could be from a book, game, movie, tv series, etc. I would choose the Mobile Infantry from the novel Starship Troopers.
The unisex showers wouldn't bother you?
sauvignon1: If you could join any fictional military, what would it be? It could be from a book, game, movie, tv series, etc. I would choose the Mobile Infantry from the novel Starship Troopers.
Crosmando: The unisex showers wouldn't bother you?
Novel, not movie. The Mobile Infantry didn't have any females in it. They were usually pilots, due to better reflexes.