Posted September 29, 2013
Of all the games you've played as a kid, which one when it's name is mentioned brings back such nostalgia you are left speechless as to what made that game so great?
Mine has to be Roller Coaster Tycoon 1. I first got it from a cereal box of all things and spent the years after that playing it non stop, just about any chance I got I would be playing it, whether it was only for 10 minutes or an hour, I would be playing it, creating my parks, drowning people... err I mean making people happy. It was great fun.
To this day I can't tell you what made that game so great to me... was it the colorful graphics? The ability to create roller coasters to my hearts content? odly no... because RCT3 had all that but in the 3d plane, where you could ride the rides... yet I'd often times give up playing RCT3 to go and play RCT1 again... so I have no idea what made it so special. One day i'll pick buy it from GOG but till then...
What's your most nostalgia inducing game from your childhood? What made it so great?
Mine has to be Roller Coaster Tycoon 1. I first got it from a cereal box of all things and spent the years after that playing it non stop, just about any chance I got I would be playing it, whether it was only for 10 minutes or an hour, I would be playing it, creating my parks, drowning people... err I mean making people happy. It was great fun.
To this day I can't tell you what made that game so great to me... was it the colorful graphics? The ability to create roller coasters to my hearts content? odly no... because RCT3 had all that but in the 3d plane, where you could ride the rides... yet I'd often times give up playing RCT3 to go and play RCT1 again... so I have no idea what made it so special. One day i'll pick buy it from GOG but till then...
What's your most nostalgia inducing game from your childhood? What made it so great?