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Lufia and the fortress of doom, seiken densetsu 3 , final fantasy 2 and 3 and oblivion
On PC:

The (earlier) Humoungous Entertainment Games, like Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon.
There was something about those graphics, or perhaps because we played 'em on the ol' Hyundai 286... but they always make me think of the DOS days. There was something fun about computing back then, something novel and special.


Vigilante 8 for the Playstation. I had spent many hours playing that one. My family always complained that I was cheating because I had memorized the weapon combos.

Super Mario Bros. for the NES. 'nuff said.
Post edited September 29, 2013 by Pseudoman
Pretty much anything from the PS1's life for me, that was the first gaming console I ever touched and have been hooked on video games ever since. Future Cop L.A.P.D., Spyro the Dragon, MediEvil, Crash Bandicoot, Road Rash, Silent Hill, Resident Evil 2, Tomb Raider, Gran Turismo, Test Drive 5, Tekken 3, Jet Moto, and UmJammer Lammy bring back a lot of memories being an impressionable grade schooler and enjoying the heck out of those games.
Under a Killing Moon is a big one for me. I got into gaming playing adventure games with my mom and that was a big one for us. King's Quest VI was the first one I played by myself, and it also is a big nostalgia trip for me.

Dark Forces was my first shooter and Betrayal at Krondor was my first RPG, but I don't get the nostalgia butterflies for either of those as much as the two adventure games above.

Morrowind is my favorite game of all time still, so of course I am hardcore nostalgic for it.
StingingVelvet: Under a Killing Moon is a big one for me. I got into gaming playing adventure games with my mom and that was a big one for us. King's Quest VI was the first one I played by myself, and it also is a big nostalgia trip for me.

Dark Forces was my first shooter and Betrayal at Krondor was my first RPG, but I don't get the nostalgia butterflies for either of those as much as the two adventure games above.

Morrowind is my favorite game of all time still, so of course I am hardcore nostalgic for it.
Hmm, I've played Morrowind before and like watching anything TES related on youtube everyone always says "Morrowind was the best" and I'm not saying their wrong since it's all personal choice but... Morrowind never really did it for me.

What makes Morrowind your favourite game? I mean I love Oblivion, that's probably my favorite TES game because of story, music and world, but what makes Morrowind so special to you? again not being rude I jsut want to know what other people think.
I mean, Diablo 2 was the thing I played the most and I certainly have nostalgia for it, but in terms of warm memories which completely overshadow my grown-up feelings about the games it would probably have to be Mario Party, basically all of them up until the Wii. That was basically the avenue to multiplayer gaming and I still think that anyone who grew up with those games can just pop it in and have fun from the sheer thrill of its structure.
the_atm: Of all the games you've played as a kid, which one when it's name is mentioned brings back such nostalgia you are left speechless as to what made that game so great?

Mine has to be Roller Coaster Tycoon 1. I first got it from a cereal box of all things and spent the years after that playing it non stop, just about any chance I got I would be playing it, whether it was only for 10 minutes or an hour, I would be playing it, creating my parks, drowning people... err I mean making people happy. It was great fun.

To this day I can't tell you what made that game so great to me... was it the colorful graphics? The ability to create roller coasters to my hearts content? odly no... because RCT3 had all that but in the 3d plane, where you could ride the rides... yet I'd often times give up playing RCT3 to go and play RCT1 again... so I have no idea what made it so special. One day i'll pick buy it from GOG but till then...

What's your most nostalgia inducing game from your childhood? What made it so great?
For me, that game would have to be Ultima I since it was one of the first games I ever had on the first computer I ever had (or actually that the family had), an Apple ][+. I was blown away by the mix of wilderness campaign (2D) with 3D dungeons and Star Wars-ish space battles, and mostly by the way they all seemed to fit together into a coherent whole.
I also remember playing Zork over the phone with friends as we worked out all the puzzles together.
Zork had no graphics, but it had the best graphics ever, courtesy of excellent writing and one's imagination.
While the C64 was my first gaming machine ever, which gave me lots of simple but fun games, I have much more fond memories of my Amiga days. I loved our A600. I must have played Civilization and Railroad Tycoon to death back then. Good times. Though my favorite was definitely the Amiga version of Pirates! which was always an exciting adventure. ... Huh. It's funny I actually didn't intend to single out Sid Meier games. It just happened that way.

Though going back to these three would be hard for me these days. I know for a fact that RT's interface just comes across as awkward nowadays, and I figure the same goes for Civ 1 as they both share a lot of the same underpinnings. As for Pirates, it has been trumped by newer versions. Tried the original DOS Pirates from the Pirates pack from GOG, and it was a bit of a painful experience (and I'm not even talking about its graphics and shitty sound). Pirates! Gold is a much better game and still quite fun actually. And call me a loon, but I actually enjoy the enhanced romance options in the '04 remake with its mini-game dances, etc. ;)
the_atm: What makes Morrowind your favourite game? I mean I love Oblivion, that's probably my favorite TES game because of story, music and world, but what makes Morrowind so special to you? again not being rude I jsut want to know what other people think.
I feel like that conversation has been had so many times it's almost exhausting to do it again, lol. People who loved Morrowind tend to hate Oblivion, which I do, and people who started with Oblivion tend to go back to Morrowind and not get it.

We're all results of our time.
Shooters from the 90's mainly, because those are what I grew up playing. Duke 3D would be one of the biggest nostalgia-inducers for me, because it was action packed, and yet achieved the balance between all out gore and fun with the one liners and interactivity in the game. I still like to play it to this day. Every year or so I'll load it up.
Elite - the first game of the early games era that really blew everyone's mind that came across it. And it is awesome a new Elite is on the way:

Less a game but a symbol of mostly awesome games, the 'Microprose' logo. They were one of the best gaming devs in the history of computer games in many peoples eyes. From Solo Flight to Gunship 2000, to X-com, Darklands and Civ II.

Anytime i see that logo on a game starting up i know i'm in for an awesome time.
Master of Orion 2

'nuff said.
Always Baldur's Gate 2.
Dungeon Keeper
Final Fantasy VI. I replayed it lately, and holy hell it took me back. Loved that game as a kid. Still love that game.

(I hoped that I might get the same reaction from Final Fantasy VII, but all that managed was a baffled "What the heck is this? I enjoyed this at one point?" Sometimes, it's best to let nostalgia be.)