McFly808: I don't see a persistent automap anywhere in screens for Eye of the Beholder, Stonekeep, and Lands of Lore. Since Eye of the Beholder is legally(??) free as abandonware, I think I'll make that my first one.
Not legally, there is no "abandonware" legal term, it is just a way to denote a game that is no longer sold or supported.
Lands of Lore has an auto-map. Not played Stonekeep yet, but at least the first Eye of the Beholder does not have one.
AFnord: I don't think the first two Might & Magic games had auto-mapping, but they might also be poorly suited as beginners dungeon crawlers.
PetrusOctavianus: MM2 had automap, MM1 not.
Ah, thanks for clearing that up.
McFly808: Well, Eye of the Beholder is too old to run on this PC anyhow. So, it's down to Grimrock, Stonekeep, or Lands of Lore. I'm tempted to go with Grimrock because as someone said, things only get better from what I can see. :)
Nothing is too old with Dosbox! Eye of the Beholder runs flawlessly in dosbox.