Damuna: As for playing GOGs...I struggle with depression, and tend to do very little at all, including playing video games.
Oh man, don't I know that feeling.
Taught English in South Korea before returning to the U.K. since then I have been temping as a science technician in high schools. Holding out for a better place, also looking at returning to Korea to teach English to adults and save up for a MSc.
When I start to feel depressed, I start playing games, the nations was the last game, before that King's bounty.
Last time I played a game for fun was Dragon age in February when I thought that maybe London would be better 2nd time round.
keeveek: I got none. My current plan is to move to UK, save some money, go back here and from saved money start some business.
Would not recommend, the down turn has hit everyone hard and I know a number of poles who have decided to go back home as London is pretty damn expensive and there is little work (unless you know someone who can get you work).