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JudasIscariot: I've been a bagger, cashier, butcher block worker, gas station clerk, tow truck driver, mechanic, drill rig operator, barman and grill operator in one, busboy, and now I work for as a Junior Product Specialist. Basically, I am one of the guys that makes the games shine on their respective pages amongst other things :D
Heh - I once had to dress up as a big furry animal. None of those tasks rival being a kids icon in a sauna suit. Hell.
I have an absurdly overpaid part time job, where I go into peoples apartments and switch their TV decoders. Also. just started my first year of Computer Science, so I'm pretty much a full time student as well. Time for gaming varies, but I can generally squeeze in an hour or two here and there, and mostly have weekends off to do whatever.
JudasIscariot: I've been a bagger
I actually read "beggar". :D That would've been hell of an improvement.

Oh yeah, since you guys are also mentioning earlier jobs: during my civilian service in Germany I was a janitor at a hospital for one year. It was fun to carry plastic barrels that contained body parts.
Post edited September 24, 2012 by F4LL0UT
Tw2Brick: What, no bricklayers? =) Anyway - Bricklayer, 30 years - now retired.
If that would have been my job, I'd have referred to myself as a "mason" or a "tyler", just to throw people off;)
MichaelFurlong: Would not recommend, the down turn has hit everyone hard and I know a number of poles who have decided to go back home as London is pretty damn expensive and there is little work (unless you know someone who can get you work).
jamyskis: Unless you're in IT. For whatever reason, every profession in the UK is struggling except for IT, where they're basically crying out for people. That's the same here in Germany though.
Who's job do you think it is to "increase efficiency", i.e. make less jobs for other people?
Post edited September 24, 2012 by orcishgamer
Nothing right now, I worked at a video store for a couple years but they closed down a year ago. Then Spirit Halloween, I've been looking for almost a year now.
I'm the senior developer in a smallish company making software for the health sector (senior meaning I get to go to more boring meetings). I like most parts of my job, but it can get a bit too stressful at times. Luckily I can do a lot of my work from home, giving me the chance to spend some time with my family, and my two year old daughter in particular. The downside is that I have to do most of the work at night because that's the only time I'm reasonably sure I won't be interrupted.

There's never enough time for Good Old Gaming, but I do get a couple of hours most days.
I work for a photography lab for pro photographers. Its basically my job to make sure pro's look like pros.

We also own a large studio that photographs about 50 local schools. For that I help deal with keeping track of thousands of kids orders and data so they get what they paid for and show up in the yearbook with the right name.
Medicinal chemist at a small pharma company. Basically my day to day work is to design and then synthesize hundreds of compounds in the hopes that one of them has the necessary properties to eventually become a drug.

Hours are a standard 9-5, 5 days a week, which leaves me plenty of time for other activities, obviously including gaming.
Let me see here.

I was a butcher, dishwasher, cook, waiter, librarian, IT Specialist, used car salesman, web designer and now I am employed as an Instructional Designer at a University.

Hence the "Faculty Gamer", since well.. My job is considered a tenure-track Assistant Professor.

But, lately I have been considering on going for my Doctorate since I am still youngish (27) and while I enjoy my job... I would rather go on and be a director of technology or curriculum and instruction at a school district, college or even an alternative industry.

By the way, being a butcher was actually my favorite job going through college. Easy money and I like the cold.... so... yeah. It worked.
Right now? I detail cars (ugh) and teach violin part time. Learning to be a piano technician, though. Should be able to start doing that in a year or so.
Professional... medical student.

I barely have time for games these days, though at the end of an exam period there's a nice little one and a half day stretch of freedom.
Sometimes, if the material is not particularly difficult (it's not about the "what" but the "how much" there is) I can squeeze in an hour or two here and there.
TheEnigmaticT: I'm head of markting & PR for a video game site. It's pretty small, so you guys probably never heard of it. ;)
So you work for Valve?

Post edited September 25, 2012 by scampywiak
I work as a QA in one German company, which happens to have a branch here.
F4LL0UT: Currently unemployed although I occasionally do freelance jobs as an audio designer/composer. If I don't get a fulltime job soon I'll probably found my own little business focussing on this kind of work.
Is it possible to hear some music you've made F4LL0UT? Maybe on soundcloud or something like that?
I work in a jewelery manufacturing company owned by my family. We mostly make golden jewelery.