(see attached!).
wpegg: My brother went to university in Dundee (that's in Scotland) about a year after that film was released. He said it was a used as a weapon about why they English are evil, and that he had to be very diplomatic in order to make friends. He was, by default, the enemy, because of that film.
The fact Mel Gibson is a cock doesn't really enter into it. That film was intended as inspiring, but was simply divisive. It was also, as you say, historically innacurate.
Interesting - i was born not far from Dundee myself.
...and yes, you're quite right on the film, though at a guess, would your brothers
specific accent had an effect on his reception? (northerners on the whole at the time were more welcome than others and as my own family didnt really give a shite about the flick, its an angle ive wondered about a bit).
(dont bother with attached)