I'll try to remember other bad storylines in VGs, in the meantime, I'll try to give excuses and comments as to why those ridiculous storylines make sense.
10. Double Dragon.
My guess is that cops back then were to fat to jump over pitfalls and dodge spikes; and their bullets lacked the sheer awesome power of Billy and Jimmy's martial arts, that could even fight a guy with a gun even after taking a few shots to the gut.
9. SF II: TWW.
Isn't it standard proceedure for all those that fight evil organizations to street fight all over the world until they find their target?
8. Shatterhand.
This storyline proves that is something lacks power, replace it with it's metal version.
7. Cheetahmen.
These guys have no excuse, they could learn a thing or two from Captain N.
6. Rampage.
That's why I don't trust those scientists, too much risk of having them turn you into giant classical movie monsters.
5. Contra.
Well, they are shirtless most of the time, and everybody knows, as proven by Rambo, that a shirtless man equals an entire army division.
4. Battletoads and Double Dragon.
Hey, if I were a group of space toads looking for Earth's mightiest warriors, I'd definitely pick two brothers that decimated an entire whip wielding, steroid using gang with nothing but the power of fists... and kicks.
3. Bad Dudes.
These guys have no excuse either, they are pretty easy to manipulate: "are you bad enough dudes to pick up the groceries, oh, and some gum on the way back?!"
2. Blaster Master.
I'm pretty sure this was the draft for some 80's anime, which almost always started with a boy finding an abandoned and fully equipped military vehicle.
1. Super Mario Bros.
You know what they say, it's awfully suspicious when a princess gets kidnapped over and over and over again, in fact, it's so disturbing I'm not even going to give hints *cough* bowser suddenly has children and she invites him to parties and kart races *cough*. On the other hand, what if she is actually in cahoots with bowser and tries to lure Mario into enemy territory with her so called "kidnappings".