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Nightfall87: For next competition the winner will be the one who post picture of Bieber attached to the rocket on one way trip to the moon. :)
:D or something like [this
To the moon - I want a picture representing "The Future". Funny usually wins, but cool or innovative interpretations are also in with a shot.
Where is Mrtophat101 when you need him...

next game i want being handed out dark reign
Post edited August 24, 2012 by slaktarn

I vote for Legend of Grimrock again
wpegg: To the moon - I want a picture representing "The Future". Funny usually wins, but cool or innovative interpretations are also in with a shot.
Not interested in the game, but voting for Zeus+Poseidon

Icewind Dale again.

edit: Oh, and I don't want To The Moon. I already have it. (It was quite good though!)
Post edited August 24, 2012 by DProject
Welcome to the Futureeeeeeeeee!!!

Post edited August 24, 2012 by park_84

Anyone seen doc lately, while I'm already at it? He is not online on Steam either for quite some time...

Go Duke Nukem 3D!
Post edited August 24, 2012 by IronStar
Interstate '76

edit: Forgot to add, just voting. I wouldn't mind the extras someday but I got TTM before it landed on GOG.
Post edited August 24, 2012 by Ric1987
a portrait of the future (weather)

Machinarium CE
Post edited August 24, 2012 by Recsam511
Even though it might be against the rules, I'd like to post another one since it's drawn by a friend of mine and I think fits the theme. Besides, like I said, I don't want To The Moon anyway.
wpegg: It was a toss up between you and Falci. However I felt your picture was better. Looks a damn cool university. Didn't realise Glasgow could look so picturesque.

PM'ing you the code.
IronStar: I visited Glasgow few years ago, and I think it's the only interesting thing I saw. Not that I tried too hard TBH.

Oh, and as far as I'm concerned you can give code to Falci, I was there for fun. I don't believe I'll play Gothic any time soon.

Duke Nukem on the other hand... :P
Thank you! :D And thanks wpegg too. :D
I'll vote for Anachronox
Post edited August 24, 2012 by Austrobogulator
The retro-Future of mobiles.
The 7th Guest for the next one.
Only for voting.
Still Thief 3 :D