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Made this thread out of boredem so what the hell

Me Halo's Blood Gulch its simple and easy and big enough enough for vehicle combat and awsome for Capture the Flag but its small compared to the Larger maps I am going try out with BF3 tomorrow once its fully downloaded (16 fucking Gigabites means one day to download for me :( )
Post edited September 11, 2012 by Elmofongo
Firestorm in BF3.
Lighthouse in Crysis 2.

I dont play many FPS games online...
Post edited September 11, 2012 by Aaron86
There have been so many great FPS maps! It's so dificult to choose just one. Instead, I'll give you my top three:

1. Operation Hastings from Battlefield: Vietnam
2. Terminal from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
3. Basement from Goldeneye 007

I think map design is one of the few elements of first person shooters that have significantly improved over the past decade. I'm not sure if it's because of improvements in recent technology or just developers learning what works and what doesn't.

Fantastic map for both public and competitive play. A true masterpiece.
DM4 from Quake 1 could be very fun, with the right amount of players.
DM3 when you have a lot of players (at or near max)

Most of my multiplayer FPS experience comes from Quake 1...
The Bad Place.
Post edited September 12, 2012 by SimonG
The Edge of Quake 2 fame. Mostly for nostalgic reasons, though.
I've good memories of Q3DM9 Hero's Keep and Q3DM17 The Longest Yard from Quake 3.
I think it is 2fort (or is it called "2fort5"?) in TeamFortress Classic and Quake TeamFortress. I guess it is and was always the most widely played map in those online games because it is so finely tuned through countless revisions. Good map for pretty much any class, not giving any real advantage to any of them, even snipers. Flag capping takes some effort if there is good defence, but is not impossible either. It also works for both only few and many players... ok maybe it can get a bit too crowded at some point, but that just makes the gameplay more hectic, that's all.

There are certainly other maps I find more interesting nowadays, but that is mainly because I've played 2fort5 "too much". But if I could keep playing only one TFC map, I think that would still be the one.
Post edited September 12, 2012 by timppu
Yet another vote for DM4. It's a great map for a casual deathmatch.
Jaime: I've good memories of Q3DM9 Hero's Keep and Q3DM17 The Longest Yard from Quake 3.
F*ck yeah. q3tourney2 is also pretty good.
Post edited September 12, 2012 by lowyhong
DM-Plunge, Unreal Tournament 2004

The Longest Yard, Quake III Arena / Quake III Revolution (PS2)

Evacuation, F.E.A.R. / F.E.A.R. Combat
Can I say something off-topic

Which game has the largest in game world so far is it an MMO that did it?
The Lost Temple from Starcraft.
Oh wait, that's not FPS.

q2dm1 or The Edge from Quake 2
q3dm17 or The Longest Yard from Quake 3
Facing Worlds and The Deck from UT'99
de_dust, de_dust2 and de_aztec from CS
Warlords from Red Faction and RF 2 (too bad that game didn't have multiplayer)
Evacuation from FEAR Combat was also pretty neat
same for 2forts in TFC and TF2, also Granary in TF2 arena mode is a great map