AngryHatter: NWN was a linear bore. The amount of flexibility was limiting. The voice acting was over the top;embarrassing. The storyline was old and trite - you knew where they story was headed from the get-go.
NWN2 is also linear, however handled far better. The immersion is like night versus day. If you played D&D; this just feels like playing around the table with your friends.
Graphics are similar but the music is another area that was improved. In NWN2, it's dark and cheesy, like watching Dark Sahdows - absolutely perfect.
escapist23: I disagree, but we all have opinions. The linearity doesn't bother me, infact I hate games that are too open ended and feel dispersive.
NWN Hotu was very good, I didn't find any embarassing voice acting. Def one of the best RPGs ever made.
I also disagree about the music. In NWN2 it's not improved as both games have amazing quality soundtracks, I have been a musician for 20 years.
Graphics are not similar at all, in NWN2 they look hand-painted, in NWN they are more basic. The music is not 'cheesy' in either game, it's orchestral music made by total pros. I have actually been really impressed by the quality.
Both great games, but for NWN i'd only play Hotu
For official SP campaigns - Hordes is worth the price of admission alone for buying NWN1: Complete, IMHO.
For some of the best RPG expansion-packs ever made, I think BG2: TOB; NWN1: Hordes; and NWN2: Mask are fantastic.