It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

No more eye straining because of all videos autoplay when mouse over :D
they still auto load and that is bad enough can't seem to find a fix for that ( i know i can block them by 'removing' ( hiding) the elements but thats heavy on the CPU cause you need adblock or simlar tools/scripts running to do that)

check attachment: videosNO_autoplay.png

INow to find a way to disable the zooming in of the pages (images) and the auto 'caroussel' thing .... ( probably some nasty (jquery) or similar (java) script: as a 'prehistorik' gamer who loves old games ( and a few very carefully selected new games) i have no need for all that eyecandy stuff , i like some eyecandy but not a mouth full ...

Anyway FF has a solution to disable the autoplay of videos ( it works for youtube videos , dont know if it applies to all videoplayers autoplaying) Chrome browser has solutions too, but i don't use Chrome, only FF.

Engerek01: LOL. I just noticed I missed so many new games. I was about to buy one of them and then I thought "why buy a game which GOG worked so hard for me NOT to see it". We are living in strange times really.
I think if the current layout doesnt improve i might miss out some sales .....
Post edited October 14, 2018 by gamesfreak64
my pc is having a hard time , pages feel sluggish so i tried one of the thousands online website tests, its all very tech
and lots of complicated technical bla bla which i dont understand but some of the users might know what it means.
if they could test the site aswell....

anyway there are lots of numbers

i used

seems GOG doesnt use progressive JPG ( so its a 0 /100 ) thats kinda weird cause when i had a free blog/page that allowed file uploading like jpg ( progressive) i always used that and i am noob
so i wonder why GOG does NOT use progressive JPG : Use Progressive JPEGs: 0/100

some results, most are good 100/100 so they are doing lots of things right but .... its not an A plus
i removed 75% of it cause its a long list of errors and failds

First Byte Time (back-end processing): 100/100

383 ms First Byte Time
500 ms Target First Byte Time

Use persistent connections (keep alive): 100/100

Use gzip compression for transferring compressable responses: 97/100

653.6 KB total in compressible text, target size = 628.3 KB - potential savings = 25.3 KB

FAILED - (14.4 KB, compressed = 4.3 KB - savings of 10.1 KB) -
FAILED - (15.0 KB, compressed = 5.0 KB - savings of 9.9 KB) -
WARNING - (10.5 KB, compressed = 7.0 KB - savings of 3.5 KB) -
WARNING - (3.6 KB, compressed = 1.8 KB - savings of 1.7 KB) -

Compress Images: 89/100

4,936.6 KB total in images, target size = 4,387.6 KB - potential savings = 548.9 KB

WARNING - (379.9 KB, compressed = 318.6 KB - savings of 61.3 KB) -
WARNING - (324.8 KB, compressed = 277.2 KB - savings of 47.6 KB) -
WARNING - (265.8 KB, compressed = 224.0 KB - savings of 41.8 KB) -
.................. and many more

Use Progressive JPEGs: 0/100

0.0 KB of a possible 2,761.9 KB (0%) were from progressive JPEG images

FAILED (379.9 KB) -
FAILED (324.8 KB) -
FAILED (265.8 KB) -
FAILED (254.1 KB) -
FAILED (184.7 KB) -
FAILED (71.9 KB) -

Leverage browser caching of static assets: 82/100

FAILED - (No max-age or expires) -
FAILED - (No max-age or expires) -
FAILED - (No max-age or expires) -
FAILED - (No max-age or expires) -
FAILED - (No max-age or expires) -
FAILED - (No max-age or expires) -
FAILED - (No max-age or expires) -
FAILED - (No max-age or expires) -
FAILED - (No max-age or expires) -

...... and many more

Use a CDN for all static assets: 100/100

CDN's Used: : Akamai : Edgecast : Edgecast : Edgecast : Edgecast

and many more ....
Post edited October 14, 2018 by gamesfreak64
On the one hand it's frustrating that so many things on the site are completely non-functional. Especially the fact that there is no News block -- apparently it's at the bottom of the page if it's working, but for me it doesn't exist at all. That's pretty much the #1 thing that I'd want to look at when I visit, so there's almost no point now. (Cheers for the pointers to the RSS feed folks -- that's an option at least.)

On the other hand, it sounds like I would absolutely hate the site if everything was working as intended, so maybe on balance I'm actually winning?

Probably the best thing to do is just stop visiting for a month or so, and see if anything's improved after that. My account page looks like it's still working, so that's the important thing.
gamesfreak64: ...

Anyway FF has a solution to disable the autoplay of videos ( it works for youtube videos , dont know if it applies to all videoplayers autoplaying) Chrome browser has solutions too, but i don't use Chrome, only FF.
After reading this, I disabled autoplay in flags in chrome but it did not work for GOG. :(
How do I know about current sales now? Are they listed anywhere like on the old site? I just read on some third party site that there is "disney sale" going for 2 days already. I guess I would never know about it just by visiting GOG like I always did.
Guys, I don't have vitality to skim through all 32 pages of this forum, so I'll just ask:

- Are there any comments from GOG regarding this thread???

With the new UI the site stopped being usable to me as well. It's very uncomfortable, unclear and annoying.
I stopped coming here, I stopped checking "what's new".

If I'll ever buy something new here - first I'm going to learn about this on a 3rd party site.

Thanks and regards.
willie995: - Are there any comments from GOG regarding this thread???

These are all the replies from gog staff in this thread.
gamesfreak64: ...

Anyway FF has a solution to disable the autoplay of videos ( it works for youtube videos , dont know if it applies to all videoplayers autoplaying) Chrome browser has solutions too, but i don't use Chrome, only FF.
Engerek01: After reading this, I disabled autoplay in flags in chrome but it did not work for GOG. :(
thats strange cause i noticed the name Chrome in search results, Chrome = Google Chromes browser ? or is it other Chrome ?

willie995: Guys, I don't have vitality to skim through all 32 pages of this forum, so I'll just ask:

- Are there any comments from GOG regarding this thread???

With the new UI the site stopped being usable to me as well. It's very uncomfortable, unclear and annoying.
I stopped coming here, I stopped checking "what's new".

If I'll ever buy something new here - first I'm going to learn about this on a 3rd party site.

Thanks and regards.
havent seen one, might have missed one cause , well the forum to reply in is also so-so and far from user friendly and search friendly BUT i hope GOG does NOT fix it cause then we will get a useless forum aswell and we have no means of communicating cause we wont be able to link to a post thats tells us how to get to a part of the site ( new layout)

How about dumping all the eycandy and all the redundant lagging cpu eating ( yes cpu eating cause i disabled all javascript in FF and my cpu had little to do), i enabled it and problems returned, with javascript disabled from FF nothing works, clicking on buy doesnt work ....)

BUT there is a simple way to show a tab is active while mouseovera game screenshot in the store:

forget the zooming stuff, the autoplay stuff the video stuff, all useless eyecandy

do it like this : check attachment: hovering_games.png

easy: just show the cart button , this shows what is active because the mouse is over it, simple, and stupid but 100% functional and no extra eyecandy stuff needed , the layout will be less bloated aswell ... :D
Post edited October 14, 2018 by gamesfreak64
gamesfreak64: ...

Anyway FF has a solution to disable the autoplay of videos ( it works for youtube videos , dont know if it applies to all videoplayers autoplaying) Chrome browser has solutions too, but i don't use Chrome, only FF.
Engerek01: After reading this, I disabled autoplay in flags in chrome but it did not work for GOG. :(
??? i searched again and i found this:

It talks about androind and mobiles , but desktop is also mentioned, i dont have android , nor mobile, cant test it, maybe this link might help you.

one piece of text in this article reads:

Update 7/26/2018: Google has updated the desktop version of Chrome several times since this article was written and the option for the desktop browser no longer seems to work. You can always try out third-party extensions with varying degrees of success. However, blocking autoplay videos for Chrome on Android does seem to still work for most sites.

I always love the drm-free spirit of this site but the front page has me at a loss. And the info I have access to changes depending on what browser I'm using. I have no idea what games are on sale by looking at the front page. And it's SEVERAL clicks to find out (if i dont give up in frustration first). I'm all for making things look fancy...but simple design, tied with the fewest click to get people where they want is always best. For me, the new design is *not* conducive to helping you guys sell more why?

I have total faith this will get sorted out. When things happen, you guys are generally great at resolving it. I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with to fix this site's front page and each game's page which has problems too. Because yeah...they need fixing.
gamesfreak64: ??? i searched again and i found this:

Yep. It currently does not work on Chrome browser without any 3rd party addons. I hate FF so I'll just stay away from GOG for a while. This simply hurts my eyes >.<
gamesfreak64: ??? i searched again and i found this:

Engerek01: Yep. It currently does not work on Chrome browser without any 3rd party addons. I hate FF so I'll just stay away from GOG for a while. This simply hurts my eyes >.<
My eyes have recovered from the last session ( dont know how much more they can take though:

(o_-) (o_o) .... (o_0-) (@_@) ................... (✖╭╮✖)

Sad part is the scripts need to run in order to buy games and access the games and save them, if this would have been a normal forum account to just chat and read news i would have disabled all the java scripts cause without java scripts you can still post and read a good forum cause that usually uses php :D

Yes FF = bad but i had the chrome browser and my adware cleaner always dectted yahoo tool bar and other pups, i uninstalled the chromebrowser and never had problems again it was alway related to that browser in its folder...
IE = +++++++++++ and win 10 is Spyware with a build in operating system , so its gonna be tough to game in the near future when win 10 is forced ... some bad times will come ...
Post edited October 14, 2018 by gamesfreak64
The problem is not like or dislike. The problem, at least in galaxy, is that under some resolutions it works badly. hyperscripted and invisible news just as an example.

Really. Is it going to be fixed or what?
Post edited October 14, 2018 by Gudadantza
Gudadantza: The problem is not like or dislike. The problem, at least in galaxy, is that under some resolutions it works badly. hyperscripted and invisible news just as an example.

Really. Is it going to be fixed or what?
100% Positive it will be fixed ................ but when ?
Post edited October 14, 2018 by gamesfreak64
i think alot of the concerns could be addressed by allowing the customer to move and pin what they want wherever they want and even hide screens if they want.

For me it would be to resize the splash screens, move the news up top, and some other tweaks to prioritize what i want to see first. it just takes too much scrolling in order to get to what i want to see. No idea why they made everything so damn big

i think they made alot of improvements and its a great first step, now if only they need to tweak it all a bit more based on user criticism


i just read how many of us hate the news on bottom thing, I have to wonder if they did that deliberate in order to force us to scroll thru sales, hoping for impulse pings, like what they do in grocery stores and putting the milk and bread far in the back of the store, making you walk down the aisles
Post edited October 14, 2018 by mintee