rojimboo: Unfortunately, despite the verbose response from you, I didn't really get answers to all my questions.
You never specified how you installed the distro, which path did you take - UEFI or BIOS legacy - and where did you install the bootloader during your installation to a USB pen drive, for example. At least, I did not notice this info in your response.
So if you please, please provide more info and answer these questions as specifically as you can. I have expanded on them this time, in the hopes of clarifying the situation more:
Alright, sorry. I guess I misunderstood your questions and you just wanted to know which of the 4 was the problem.
rojimboo: 1. You boot from a live USB to linux distro of choice in UEFI mode?
So this is just for the installation of a distro, and specifically want to determine whether you are using UEFI mode (probably in all very modern setups) or the BIOS legacy mode(easily done as a mistake due to wrong BIOS settings). Note that when you make the live USB for the distro, and burn the ISO to a bootable USB drive, the status of whether your system is currently in UEFI mode or not matters.
I've tried it in both UEFI and BIOS/Legacy mode and got the same results. I had no idea that it mattered how I boot when I
create the installer, but to answer that question, I was in UEFI mode at that time. By the way, why does it matter which mode I'm ever in? I thought that the BIOS and UEFI were just things to get everything running in the first place, and once that's settled and the boot loader does its thing, the OS takes it from there and software just runs with the same instructions on the same processor regardless.
rojimboo: 2. Properly partition an empty USB flash drive to use as Linux installation?
How did you partition the pen drive? Which filesystems, how big, what did you set them up as? I'm specifically looking not only for a home drive and a root drive (no need for a swap partition in this setup if you have enough RAM and want to play it risky) but most importantly a FAT32 ESP partition for a system wide bootloader. If you have Windows and UEFI boot mode on, you will already have a ESP partition where your bootloader is. If you make it here or allow the installer to do it automatically, things will break. The tricky part is that the USB pen drive is only there when you attach it - so by default it is unplugged and something else has to take care of the ESP and bootloader(this would be Windows in your setup, or possibly Mint and Grub if you set it up that way). I think this is where things get tricky and things break.
I've tried partitioning a couple of ways. One way was to not partition it at all so there was one partition by default, and I installed Linux onto that. More recently I tried making 3 partitions: 2 MB for BIOS, 200 MB for UEFI and the rest for Mint (and there was a 1 MB padding at the beginning before the first partition). I was following these instructions and checked all the boxes that it said: It had me make a GPT, which as far as I can tell has something to do with ESP as well. Are you implying that the GPT/ESP (or whatever it's called) partition will automatically have GRUB installed onto it without me telling it to install? Does that mean that I should disable the GRUB install (by using Ubiquity -b) so that the installer doesn't automatically put an
extra GRUB because there'd already be one there in the 200 MB UEFI partition? Also, when you talk about "things breaking", if you're referring to the GRUB on the HD being corrupted and needing to be repaired, that's really the
least of my worries. I'm much more concerned with being able to boot from the USB drive even after the GRUB on the HD has been repaired (which I sort of can now, at least in some cases, but I'm not sure that it's completely fixed my problem - see post 341).
rojimboo: 3. Properly install the linux distro, with custom partititons and boot loader pointing to EFI partition?
This is actually directly related to 2., but further emphasises how you installed linux and which partititions you used.
I think I probably answered most of that by now - see above. As far as the boot loader pointing to an EFI partition, I've never been able to control the boot loader beyond where I install it, but not what it references (though with the grub-update that I ran, I think I was able to change that - again, see post 341).
rojimboo: 4. Properly setup BIOS to boot in UEFI mode from USB flash drive?
This is completely OS independent but crucially important. You need to go into your BIOS settings and disable CSM/legacy options, and most likely disable Fast boot and Secure boot if things aren't working. Furthermore, since you have a Win10 partition, you need to disable the Windows Fast Startup feature in Windows, but you've probably done that to get a dual boot working in the first place.
Here's one point that doesn't seem to work. My BIOS/UEFI doesn't seem to give me ANY option to choose whether I can boot from USB or not, nor to change the boot order of my devices. It allows me to boot manually into Windows or Linux on the HD, but it doesn't list any Linux installation on a USB. Also, I have no way of accessing a boot menu (I even read the manual for my motherboard and it doesn't mention that at all, except in reference to the boot options within UEFI, which like I said, are extremely limited and don't mention anything about USB).
So whenever I want to boot from a USB stick, I must first go into Windows, restart in advanced mode, and select boot from USB, which allows me to boot the live installer, but not my installed Mint on USB - though I now seem to be able to do that since I ran update-grub, but only because it's still booting through the GRUB on the HD (I refer you again to post 341).
rojimboo: Ok. In that tremendously long sentence that lasted an entire paragraph, I got that you need to set this up in the BIOS. It's easy and simple and has actually nothing to do with Linux or any OS dependence. The instructions for entering and changing BIOS settings varies by firmware owner, but it's almost always like pressing F12 or Del at bootup and then going into Boot order/priority/preferences/settings. You just put USB drives first, or as an override I think.
Well, the sentence may have been long, but I don't think it was run-on ;). Anyway, I've been saying that I did exactly what you described, and there's NO option or any mention of anything having to do with USB at all in that entire list. In fact, it doesn't even give me the option to boot from CD/DVD. I don't remember specifically what it said or what the options were, but believe me that I looked in
every nook and cranny, and couldn't find any mention of that stuff at all. My motherboard is by a company called Republic of Gamers, by the way, so I don't know if you happen to have any experience with their hardware.
rojimboo: So unless the PC is already configured in the BIOS to be able to boot from USB pen drives, this won't work. It will just ignore the USB pen drive when booting up. I know that many office laptops disable this as a security measure in bigger firms. If the IT guys need to, they will just enable it themselves. For everything else, it will work if the USB is bootable though. Just an FYI.
Yes, I realize that part, but that can generally be fixed, and there's always the Windows advanced startup (I assume there's something similar in MacOS, right?). My main concern when I said that is that I want to make sure it's compatible with any computer regardless of whether it's using Legacy BIOS or UEFI, because it may need to run on some slightly old computers (from sometime around 2012 or so).
rojimboo: Ok so here I read that you have in fact tried UEFI and BIOS legacy modes, but I'm still unclear where you set up the bootloader and the ESP partition is located for the UEFI setup, so please clarify.
I think I said it above in this post, but to restate it, I put BIOS on the 2 MB partition at the beginning, UEFI on the 200 MB partition just after it, and Linux Mint on the third partition after that, all on the USB drive. I suppose it installed GRUB wherever it does by default, given that I told it to install onto that drive (it was like sdb or something, but I didn't specify a partition like sdb1, because I've read that I shouldn't). In any case, I was following the instructions given here: rojimboo: I'm not really surprised - your user case is unorthodox and kinda weird (dual boot windows10+mint plus an additional boot and install from USB pen drive) but I don't see how it should not be possible. Think about it, all of the live USB linux distro installers have this setup. You can plug it in, boot from it, and you have a mostly running Linux distro. So it shouldn't be too hard to make it permanent (touch wood).
Right, that's what I thought! But is it really that unusual? I mean a lot of people dual boot Linux and Windows on two partitions of the same HD, and a lot of people install and run Linux from a USB stick, so what's so unusual about doing all three?