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low rated
StingingVelvet: It depends for me. I think the realism chase is a silly one in most genres and settings. I'd usually take something like Dishonored over a hyper-realistic game. If you use a bit of style, a little exaggeration, then you don't need to chase realism all the time and it probably looks cooler. nVidia showed this marble demo and people are freaking out about how real it looks, and it's neat as a tech demo, but for a real game I'd take a stylized and well designed look over stuff like that in a heartbeat.

However I do care about things like draw distance, the size of the world, the number of NPCs on screen at once, etc. etc. I think that stuff is important for all games, and hopefully the consoles having better processors and memory this time allows it to happen on PC more.
These are all good points and I believe I agree with it fully.

That said, they'll likely mostly go the "better eye candy" route in many cases.....4k then 8k goals, that is what many of them seem to think is most important.

With me, i'd rather just not have only around 6-8 hour SP campaigns...even with amazing graphics.


Radiance1979: if the performance upgrade is anything around 50% that would usually mean it is almost mandatory to upgrade,
Unless a certain game needs a particular feature only on newer cards and most games run(or will run for the next few years) on at least medium settings on one's card there is imo little reason to upgrade....but a good number of people(including me at some points) either are overly focused on future proofing or just like shiny and new things.
Post edited September 03, 2020 by GamesRater
low rated
StingingVelvet: It depends for me. I think the realism chase is a silly one in most genres and settings. I'd usually take something like Dishonored over a hyper-realistic game. If you use a bit of style, a little exaggeration, then you don't need to chase realism all the time and it probably looks cooler. nVidia showed this marble demo and people are freaking out about how real it looks, and it's neat as a tech demo, but for a real game I'd take a stylized and well designed look over stuff like that in a heartbeat.

However I do care about things like draw distance, the size of the world, the number of NPCs on screen at once, etc. etc. I think that stuff is important for all games, and hopefully the consoles having better processors and memory this time allows it to happen on PC more.
GamesRater: These are all good points and I believe I agree with it fully.

That said, they'll likely mostly go the "better eye candy" route in many cases.....4k then 8k goals, that is what many of them seem to think is most important.

With me, i'd rather just not have only around 6-8 hour SP campaigns...even with amazing graphics.


Radiance1979: if the performance upgrade is anything around 50% that would usually mean it is almost mandatory to upgrade,
GamesRater: Unless a certain game needs a particular feature only on newer cards and most games run(or will run for the next few years) on at least medium settings on one's card there is imo little reason to upgrade....but a good number of people(including me at some points) either are overly focused on future proofing or just like shiny and new things.
more mandatory from an old upgrade perspective, before gains between versions where not that great but again, if you bought a mid tier 20 serie gpu's and your planning to play all the major releases that will happen after the console release then your probably better of with investing in a 30's card then stick with your 20's line
low rated
Radiance1979: more mandatory from an old upgrade perspective, before gains between versions where not that great but again, if you bought a mid tier 20 serie gpu's and your planning to play all the major releases that will happen after the console release then your probably better of with investing in a 30's card then stick with your 20's line
Well I guess that'd depend on what one played.

That said, I said if a card one has can play most games at medium or better settings and will likely do so for several more years that there is little reason imo to upgrade....of course if one has a very old card and wants to play new games then an upgrade is more needed or desirable. :)

(Also since console usually lag behind good vid cards on PCs on average, even a decent PC setup now will likely beat out a new console in many ways)
Post edited September 03, 2020 by GamesRater
low rated
Radiance1979: more mandatory from an old upgrade perspective, before gains between versions where not that great but again, if you bought a mid tier 20 serie gpu's and your planning to play all the major releases that will happen after the console release then your probably better of with investing in a 30's card then stick with your 20's line
GamesRater: Well I guess that'd depend on what one played.

That said, I said if a card one has can play most games at medium or better settings and will likely do so for several more years that there is little reason imo to upgrade....of course if one has a very old card and wants to play new games then an upgrade is more needed or desirable. :)

(Also since console usually lag behind good vid cards on PCs on average, even a decent PC setup now will likely beat out a new console in many ways)
yea but not in teraflops, i belief both the xbox and ps5 will be around 13 to 15 teraflops in output? i belief my 2060super is around 7,2 though there are some other factors at play as well with amd in the last line having a lot of cards that push out more tflops then nvidia but somehow nvidia has its own deal going on that turns out quite well for them
low rated
Radiance1979: yea but not in teraflops, i belief both the xbox and ps5 will be around 13 to 15 teraflops in output? i belief my 2060super is around 7,2 though there are some other factors at play as well with amd in the last line having a lot of cards that push out more tflops then nvidia but somehow nvidia has its own deal going on that turns out quite well for them
As long as one's games play medium to high settings that should be what's most important imo.

(Tbh it's just another "mind trick" that a good number succumb to: many like bigger and better numbers and stats on their stuff, and companies often know and exploit this to sell more stuff in various ways)

Also I meant that the newest cutting edge cards(or cards that are very decent) out when new consoles come out are often better on average than said new consoles.
Post edited September 03, 2020 by GamesRater
low rated
Radiance1979: yea but not in teraflops, i belief both the xbox and ps5 will be around 13 to 15 teraflops in output? i belief my 2060super is around 7,2 though there are some other factors at play as well with amd in the last line having a lot of cards that push out more tflops then nvidia but somehow nvidia has its own deal going on that turns out quite well for them
GamesRater: As long as one's games play medium to high settings that should be what's most important imo.

(Tbh it's just another "mind trick" that a good number succumb to: many like bigger and better numbers and stats on their stuff, and companies often know and exploit this to sell more stuff in various ways)

Also I meant that the newest cutting edge cards(or cards that are very decent) out when new consoles come out are often better on average than said new consoles.
that is true, and games will work, i said this before but i even noticed someone who had control running on a integrated chip so there is that of course.
low rated
Radiance1979: that is true, and games will work, i said this before but i even noticed someone who had control running on a integrated chip so there is that of course.
Yup. I myself can run Prey 2017 at medium settings and Black Mesa at high, for example.
low rated
Radiance1979: that is true, and games will work, i said this before but i even noticed someone who had control running on a integrated chip so there is that of course.
GamesRater: Yup. I myself can run Prey 2017 at medium settings and Black Mesa at high, for example.
but if you do want to play the latest games then you do find yourself in a challenge, of course if your satisfied with all the titles from previous years you did not have time to play, then it is alright but, if you want to see what the current day technologies in both graphics perspective and ai adaptability will hold to them then you are more or less obliged.

with my latest major change still fresh in my memory, from a i7 920 to a r5 2600 to a i5 10600k i can say all changes did improve various parts of gameplay be it ai wise, graphic wise or quality of life wise. especially with those grand strat titles there seems to be more reason for the more expensive line of machinery instead of keeping your system at required or minimal level

still, not even in that aspect i can state that gaming on lower grade or old machines are less fun then on higher grade equipment
Here's RTX 3080 benchmarked in Doom Eternal 4K maxed settings, it's by Nvidia so take it as you will but it's an AMD partnership title.
Post edited September 03, 2020 by ChrisGamer300
So, have the prices of 2xxx RTX series now plummeted due to unveiling of the 3xxx series?

I'm still aiming to buy a Ryzen-powered gaming laptop with e.g. RTX 2060 or maybe 2070 with it, but of course it would be nice if this announcement lets me buy such a laptop much cheaper.

I just learned I will get a 2500€ tax return on November, so that would be a good time to buy a new gaming laptop, I reckon. Just in time for Cyberpunk?
low rated
timppu: So, have the prices of 2xxx RTX series now plummeted due to unveiling of the 3xxx series?

I'm still aiming to buy a Ryzen-powered gaming laptop with e.g. RTX 2060 or maybe 2070 with it, but of course it would be nice if this announcement lets me buy such a laptop much cheaper.

I just learned I will get a 2500€ tax return on November, so that would be a good time to buy a new gaming laptop, I reckon. Just in time for Cyberpunk?
nvidia did release an earlier statement about how prices would not drop for several reasons such as demotivate the mining population, still right after that statement i belief the 2070 and 60 dropped 30 to 40 euro's

not sure what will happen now with the 3070 outperforming a 2080Ti

here in the Netherlands old stock does have a tendency of disappearing out of stores pretty fast with only some online sellers offering older equipment. this does not apply towards prebuilds and laptops ofc

i wouldn't be surprised if there won't be another consistent drop in pricings, especially not with prebuild and laptop but the occasional odd sale can be expected so i would definitely use some price watching app from now on
GamesRater: As long as one's games play medium to high settings that should be what's most important imo.
Most important for YOU. Why should I play a game at Medium settings if I can play it full throttle a couple of years from now? It's not like I don't have a big backlog to play while I 'wait'...
I think it is way too early to tell to say Big Navi is in trouble. The reason why Nvidia is releasing the RTX 30 series cards in the time frame they chose is because of the upcoming consoles (PS5 and Series X). So they don't want to lose market share. I think we need to see benchmarks for the cards for both companies.

secretninja33: Well... that was quick. Ti versions seem to be on the way.

Fender_178: I am going to be upgrading to the 3070 from a 1070. That is going to be a huge upgrade in terms of performance for me.

I heard that the Upgraded Switch is going to have performance that is similar to the PS4. Which is dope if true because it will make it a lot easier for devs to port/develop games for it.
secretninja33: Thats quite good but if thats the case, they should release it before devs get used to Series X and PS5 tbh...

PS4 is going to be last-gen soon and AAA devs I feel would just start to focus optimizing graphics for the higher spec Series X and PS5 consoles as well as these new powerful PC graphics cards.
Yeah i can see very well where you are coming from with that statement. Also I don't think there is any way for Nintendo to have the upgraded Switch before the launch of the PS5 and Series X because we don't know when Nvidia is going to release those parts to for Nintendo to use and for them to use for another possible Shield.
Post edited September 03, 2020 by Fender_178
timppu: So, have the prices of 2xxx RTX series now plummeted due to unveiling of the 3xxx series?
In a rational world the 2080ti would drop to $500 or so right now since it's a lesser card than the 3070 with much worse ray tracing, but since this isn't a rational world I'd guess it's $1,000 from now until the end of time. That's what happened with the 1000 series anyway.
StingingVelvet: this isn't a rational world I'd guess it's $1,000 from now until the end of time.
The end of time? How much is a GTX 980 TI still worth these days? Wait long enough and any GPU can be had for peanuts.
But uh... are you talking about new 2xxx cards or second hand?
Maybe you're talking about old stock suddenly disappearing in stead of dropping in price... yeah I don't know how that works... Maybe manufacturers 'buy them back' to avoid competition (and it's stipulated in a contract)?
Post edited September 03, 2020 by teceem