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low rated
timppu: So, have the prices of 2xxx RTX series now plummeted due to unveiling of the 3xxx series?
StingingVelvet: In a rational world the 2080ti would drop to $500 or so right now since it's a lesser card than the 3070 with much worse ray tracing, but since this isn't a rational world I'd guess it's $1,000 from now until the end of time. That's what happened with the 1000 series anyway.
not to mention intel cpu's, i belief you can find 4th gen i7's under 200 bucks but nothing more
Fender_178: I think it is way too early to tell to say Big Navi is in trouble. The reason why Nvidia is releasing the RTX 30 series cards in the time frame they chose is because of the upcoming consoles (PS5 and Series X). So they don't want to lose market share. I think we need to see benchmarks for the cards for both companies.
I'm not sure NVidia would be concerned about losing market share to consoles. Who do you think are making the GPU chips that are going into the consoles?
low rated
Fender_178: I think it is way too early to tell to say Big Navi is in trouble. The reason why Nvidia is releasing the RTX 30 series cards in the time frame they chose is because of the upcoming consoles (PS5 and Series X). So they don't want to lose market share. I think we need to see benchmarks for the cards for both companies.
Time4Tea: I'm not sure NVidia would be concerned about losing market share to consoles. Who do you think are making the GPU chips that are going into the consoles?
there are some that belief the release of nvidia's newest line, right before the xbox x and the ps5 enter the fray signal nvdia's strategy of trying to keep pc players with the pc instead of strolling of towards consoles. i belief both 3080 and certainly the 3090 destroy anything the console could provide for the serious games, at thrice the cost of a console of course
Post edited September 03, 2020 by Radiance1979
Time4Tea: I'm not sure NVidia would be concerned about losing market share to consoles. Who do you think are making the GPU chips that are going into the consoles?
Radiance1979: there are some that belief the release of nvidia's newest line, right before the xbox x and the ps5 enter the fray signal nvdia's strategy of trying to keep pc players with the pc instead of strolling of towards consoles. i belief both 3080 and certainly the 3090 destroy anything the console could provide for the serious games, at thrice the cost of a console of course
Ok, that's interesting. I hadn't thought of it that way. So, they make more by selling PC cards than console chips? I guess that's pretty obvious, given some of them by themselves cost more than a console.

But then, if they don't want gamers to move to console, why don't they just jack up the price of the chips they are selling to the console manufacturers?

Do we know what chips are going into the next gen consoles? I.e. what would I have to have for my PC to give equivalent performance.
low rated
Doesnt amd make the gpus for the consoles?
low rated
Radiance1979: but if you do want to play the latest games then you do find yourself in a challenge, of course if your satisfied with all the titles from previous years you did not have time to play, then it is alright but, if you want to see what the current day technologies in both graphics perspective and ai adaptability will hold to them then you are more or less obliged.
That's mainly if you want to run the games with every little doodad turned on and everything on ultra high.....for many, most games(including games about to come out) seem to run decently on cheaper cards at medium to high settings.

Radiance1979: still, not even in that aspect i can state that gaming on lower grade or old machines are less fun then on higher grade equipment
I'd disagree somewhat on me, many games are fun despite having cruder graphics.

Also personally i'd rather have good storylines with decent length than better and flashier graphics. Sure, better graphics can be nice to a point, but i'll take good story and long SP campaigns over better graphics(better than say HD quality) near any day of the week.
low rated
Radiance1979: there are some that belief the release of nvidia's newest line, right before the xbox x and the ps5 enter the fray signal nvdia's strategy of trying to keep pc players with the pc instead of strolling of towards consoles. i belief both 3080 and certainly the 3090 destroy anything the console could provide for the serious games, at thrice the cost of a console of course
Time4Tea: Ok, that's interesting. I hadn't thought of it that way. So, they make more by selling PC cards than console chips? I guess that's pretty obvious, given some of them by themselves cost more than a console.

But then, if they don't want gamers to move to console, why don't they just jack up the price of the chips they are selling to the console manufacturers?

Do we know what chips are going into the next gen consoles? I.e. what would I have to have for my PC to give equivalent performance.
as our favorite troll states it is indeed AMD who is the supplier of the console chips. i belief the consoles are rated at 14 teraflops of data output. i belief the 3090 sits at 24 teraflops of output.

also nvdia has most income out of their serverbranch chips and from pc gaming though i thought pc gaming was only 16% of their annual income
low rated
teceem: Most important for YOU.
I believe that's what I said?

(Note the "imo")

teceem: Why should I play a game at Medium settings if I can play it full throttle a couple of years from now? It's not like I don't have a big backlog to play while I 'wait'...
Agreed 100%

One could play a game now at medium settings, wait to upgrade and play on high later on...whatever they feel like, really. I was just stating my feelings on such, is all. :)

teceem: Wait long enough and any GPU can be had for peanuts.
This.....I never paid more than 150 or so for a vid card in my life, and played many games on high over the years when I built my own systems.
Post edited September 03, 2020 by GamesRater
low rated
Radiance1979: but if you do want to play the latest games then you do find yourself in a challenge, of course if your satisfied with all the titles from previous years you did not have time to play, then it is alright but, if you want to see what the current day technologies in both graphics perspective and ai adaptability will hold to them then you are more or less obliged.
GamesRater: That's mainly if you want to run the games with every little doodad turned on and everything on ultra high.....for many, most games(including games about to come out) seem to run decently on cheaper cards at medium to high settings.

Radiance1979: still, not even in that aspect i can state that gaming on lower grade or old machines are less fun then on higher grade equipment
GamesRater: I'd disagree somewhat on me, many games are fun despite having cruder graphics.

Also personally i'd rather have good storylines with decent length than better and flashier graphics. Sure, better graphics can be nice to a point, but i'll take good story and long SP campaigns over better graphics(better than say HD quality) near any day of the week.
most games translate to me on 1080p 60 hz as programs that will consume about 30% load of my gp while looking pretty and beautifull. games such as the just released mortal shell, dragon age inquisition and the many many shooters and other first person arpg adventures and some grand strat games sit at that level. games such as total war warhammer II, control, mass effect andromeda i configure to run at about 50% powerdraw of the gpu and also look more then fine. Sometimes i do find it necesary to crank those figures up a bit so that the card will be used at 80 or 90% powerdraw while looking damn fine indeed.

i belief the added graphics either sharpness or better displayed effects are certainly worth the effort but really not worth spending all that money for but if and when those graphics can be displayed at a for me comfortable level i will set the graphics to the highest amount. Shortly said i find 4k atm to be nonsense but i will chip in once the industry found a way to provide that quality without expecting 4k builds of the moment .. that are literally 4k
low rated
Radiance1979: i belief the added graphics either sharpness or better displayed effects are certainly worth the effort but really not worth spending all that money for but if and when those graphics can be displayed at a for me comfortable level i will set the graphics to the highest amount. Shortly said i find 4k atm to be nonsense but i will chip in once the industry found a way to provide that quality without expecting 4k builds of the moment .. that are literally 4k
I actually like somewhat decent graphics, but it's more that I(like you perhaps?) won't shell out insane amounts for such HW.

When I used to install my own HW in old systems I would buy older generation(like 1 generation or 2 off of cutting edge) HW for cheap and use that, and be able to play most games at decent settings. Then i'd wait like several years and then upgrade again to be able to play more games and/or at better settings.

But I wouldn't be like some(no offense meant to such who like such) and spend (imo) insane amounts like 1000 plus dollars (US prices) on say a vid card.
Post edited September 03, 2020 by GamesRater
low rated
GamesRater: I believe that's what I said. (Note the "imo")
Your "imo" looks casually attached to a generalization. I've seen many people do that: "I'll just post any crap online, and as long as I attach an IM(H)O, I'm free from criticism".

But... I don't think that that's what you were doing - but still...

(at least I can expect a decent reply from you ;-) )
teceem: The end of time? How much is a GTX 980 TI still worth these days? Wait long enough and any GPU can be had for peanuts.
In my experience high-end cards hold their value long after it makes sense for them to. I've never looked at used stuff though, no.

Time4Tea: I'm not sure NVidia would be concerned about losing market share to consoles. Who do you think are making the GPU chips that are going into the consoles?
I don't know how big a factor it is in their thinking, but a lot of people are excited to get the flashy new consoles that can beat their PC short-term, and nVidia just dropped a bomb on that thinking. If you have a decent processor already you can match or even beat the consoles with a $500 upgrade, which is probably a good market move for them.
low rated
GamesRater: Also personally i'd rather have good storylines with decent length than better and flashier graphics. Sure, better graphics can be nice to a point, but i'll take good story and long SP campaigns over better graphics(better than say HD quality) near any day of the week.
What are you actually comparing? Do you play games from (let's say) 2001 on low graphics settings because story/gameplay is more important? I'm sure you don't, you play old games looking very flashy (that's what they said about it back then).

What's my point? Buy an old game for cheap and you'll expect it to look the best it can. Buy a new one at full price... and settle for low/medium? (something about that doesn't make sense to me)
Post edited September 03, 2020 by teceem
low rated
teceem: Your "imo" looks casually attached to a generalization. I've seen many people do that: "I'll just post any crap online, and as long as I attach an IM(H)O, I'm free from criticism".

But... I don't think that that's what you were doing - but still...

(at least I can expect a decent reply from you ;-) )

(Also yeah, I add imo in such cases most times to show that it is my opinion only, and not to avoid criticism.....if anyone wants to they're free to criticize anything I say or do :))

teceem: What are you actually comparing? Do you play games from (let's say) 2001 on low graphics settings because story/gameplay is more important? I'm sure you don't, you play old games looking very flashy (that's what they said about it back then).
I'll buy and play anything if it is fun, tbh......I just don't worry about setting everything to ultra high or buying the best HW to do so like some.

teceem: What's my point? Buy an old game for cheap and you'll expect it to look the best it can. Buy a new one at full price... and settle for low/medium? (something about that doesn't make sense to me)
Because I will enjoy it now on medium or so settings(and later on if I ever "upgraded" I could enjoy it on high as well). As I said, I buy games in good part for good story, and that sometimes includes newer games if I can run them.
Post edited September 03, 2020 by GamesRater
low rated
Radiance1979: i belief the added graphics either sharpness or better displayed effects are certainly worth the effort but really not worth spending all that money for but if and when those graphics can be displayed at a for me comfortable level i will set the graphics to the highest amount. Shortly said i find 4k atm to be nonsense but i will chip in once the industry found a way to provide that quality without expecting 4k builds of the moment .. that are literally 4k
GamesRater: I actually like somewhat decent graphics, but it's more that I(like you perhaps?) won't shell out insane amounts for such HW.

When I used to install my own HW in old systems I would buy older generation(like 1 generation or 2 off of cutting edge) HW for cheap and use that, and be able to play most games at decent settings. Then i'd wait like several years and then upgrade again to be able to play more games and/or at better settings.

But I wouldn't be like some(no offense meant to such who like such) and spend (imo) insane amounts like 1000 plus dollars (US prices) on say a vid card.
insane insane, if my pc reaches with new bought pricing in mind around 2400 euro's screen and everything calculated i'm a happy man for about 4 years or so, 600 euro's a year ain't that bad

my most expensive gpu cost 650 i belief and for my next system i already decided to go a tad more premium with a better understanding of my uhm hobby pc needs ;)