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mrkgnao: "We are investigating the problem internally, but I can't promise an ETA when this might get fixed. I apologize for any inconvenience caused"
"Sorry, our top men are busy elsewhere" XD
Bladesteel: Avoid paying by Paypal if you can. I think that's where the problem usually lies.
GR00T: Gotta agree with mrkgnao. I've bought all of my games here on GOG via Paypal, which is a couple hundred transactions. Never had an issue.
Same here. Been using PayPal since 2008 to buy games here. Never had a problem.
mrkgnao: "We are investigating the problem internally, but I can't promise an ETA when this might get fixed. I apologize for any inconvenience caused"
phaolo: "Sorry, our top men are busy elsewhere" XD
TOP men.
Post edited August 28, 2015 by jamyskis
GoldSrcForever: So I thought, oh hey cool, ID pack, I can get the Doom games and Quake, so I went ahead and tried to order them. They take me to PayPal and have me pay. Transaction goes thru, but games don't get added to my account. I say okay, give it a few minutes and it'll go thru. Few minutes go by, nothing. Go to orders and they say I still need to pay for it? Okay, maybe it was an error and this one will be the only one they charge. I go thru PayPal again, I get charged... and still no games. I send a support question to GOG about it, 8 hours later, no response, $34 charged to my PayPal, and still no games.
This is not good.
Have always used Visa, never had any issues. How are you buying things, is it directly on the website or some other means (i don't use galaxy, not sure if you can buy through there). For th ewebsite, the order pages works for a few seconds and then goes to a screen which states order complete and has a button to goto your account. At that point they should all be added to your account and available via Web Browser download. If you use galaxy to do the above then that might be your problem.
Bladesteel: Avoid paying by Paypal if you can. I think that's where the problem usually lies. I never had a problem using Visa/Mastercard/ AmEx /. Once the purchase was made the game showed up on my account instantly.
I used to have the same problem several times in the past, with Visa credit card. I has happened only on, never on e.g. Steam, GamersGate, GreenManGaming or HumbleBundle (in HB I use PayPal with the same credit card though). Then again I've performed much more purchases on GOG than on those other stores, so it might be about luck too.

That's why I always say that if the GOG purchase doesn't succeed, DON'T try to buy the same games again (because then you will be charged twice, regardless whether the second attempt succeeds).

Instead, contact GOG support after the first attempt (when you have identified that you have been charged) and they will add the games to your account manually.

Anyway, that was a couple of years ago. For some reason I haven't had this problem anymore after that, maybe something changed between my bank, Visa and after that. It seems the problem can still happen though, as some others still report it.
Post edited August 28, 2015 by timppu
high rated
From what I was told by our Support Overlord, there were some server problems yesterday that lasted for about 20min. Once he's available I'll ask him to provide some more detailed info.
GoldSrcForever: ...
Rest assured you'll get your games back, but at the moment Support goes through all affected transactions manually and it make take some time.
Post edited August 28, 2015 by Thiev
I went ahead and ordered the pack again, and I have the games. I just need the other two payments taken off my PayPal now.
mrkgnao: No you can't. I know of at least four people who cannot access their friends page for months now (in my case, since 22 May). GOG is aware of it and I don't believe they are doing anything about it. The best answer I got is "We are investigating the problem internally, but I can't promise an ETA when this might get fixed. I apologize for any inconvenience caused".

Gotta love that might, not even committing to fixing the issue, even at some unknown point in the distant future.
Still no response?
GoldSrcForever: Still no response?
The GOG team is rather small, so it takes a while for each response. Send another ticket if you still don't get a response in the next few days.
Why would you pay again before checking on paypal whether or not the first charge happened!?
GoldSrcForever: Still no response?
Dude, it's 4am on sunday morning. Evidently they are aware of it, but it's the weekend so I'm sure it'll be sorted on monday.
Post edited August 30, 2015 by SirPrimalform
GoldSrcForever: Still no response?
Sorry about the original issue. I was just about to issue the refunds, but coincidentally my colleague managed to beat me to it by 5 minutes. You should get an email from PayPal in a moment.